Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Can I recycle this?
Find out which plastics can go in your recycling bin, and which can’t.
Updated Blog post
Why "tanglers" should never go in your recycling bin
Plastic bags, rope, cords and clothing all wreak havoc at the recycling facility.
Updated Blog post
Trim your waste by bulking up
Reduce waste and save money by switching from single-use items to bulk.
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Sustainability resources for home-based businesses
Home-based businesses can take advantage of residential energy and water saving programs.
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3 tips to bring bike riders to your business
Set up free bike racks and promote your bike friendly offerings.
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Don't flush your Franklins down the toilet
Save money and water by fixing leaky toilets or upgrading to a water-efficient one.
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Recycling for a good cause
It's easier than ever to collect deposit bottles to support a cause you care about.
Updated Blog post
Sustainability at Work program changes: July 2021
The Sustainability at Work program and certification has been retired as of July, 2021. However, green business tips and resources are still available on the website, and program staff are still available to help Portland organizations with recycling, compost, and waste reduction.
News article
Packaging: What’s recyclable and what’s not
Whether you’re mailing packages or receiving them, we’re here to clear up what’s recyclable and what’s not in Portland.
Blog post
Recycle or not? Face masks, wipes, and more
Disposable face masks, gloves, and wipes should all go in the garbage. But cardboard boxes and some types of empty plastic containers can be recycled.
News article
Make a difference in the new year and learn how to recycle right
Use Recycle or Not to help answer your questions.
Blog post
Tips to save energy at your office
Whether you lease or own your space, there are lots of things you can do at your office to reduce energy use.
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Getting buy-in: Speak to their interests
Frame your sustainability initiatives in terms decision makers care about.
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7 things to keep out of your recycling bin
Recycling right is more important than recycling more.
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Getting buy-in: Suggest a pilot
Asking for a trial run of a new sustainability initiative can help you get permission to roll it out company-wide.
Blog post
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