Portland Sunday Parkways celebrated three open street events in 2023!
In 2023, Sunday Parkways celebrated its sweet sixteen, marking the occasion with 3 in-person open street events that gained an estimated 60,000 community members in attendance. We started the season with a return to East Portland and Northeast Cully to grow the successes and relationships from last year.
We held the third event in Southwest Multnomah to celebrate the opening of new bike and pedestrian facilities on SW Capitol Highway. We worked with neighborhood stakeholders to create a multi-modal route and walking route that highlighted local assets and accounted for the hilly nature of the area.
We found success in customizing events to each neighborhood and spending significant time doing outreach and relationship-building with community stakeholders so that these events represented each community and their needs.
This final report outlines our five objectives for the 2023 season and the outcomes of our work.