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News Release: PBOT and Sunday Parkways, Presented by Kaiser Permanente, announce a “Choose Your Own Adventure” format for 2021

News Article
The Sunday Parkways Presented by Kaiser Permanente Logo with a Child doing a one-handed cartwheel with a streamer in the other hand

(April 29, 2021) Today, Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty and Presenting Sponsor Kaiser Permanente announced plans for the 2021 season of Sunday Parkways, which will combine fun online activities for families and maps for self-guided exploration outdoors. This season’s “Choose Your Own Adventure” activities will launch May 1, offering Portlanders multiple ways to explore the city and have a fun, safe summer.

“Last year many of us missed gathering with our neighbors and enjoying the open streets of a traditional Sunday Parkways,” said Commissioner Hardesty. “This year, we have much to be hopeful about, but the pandemic isn’t over, and we need to continue being cautious. So, we’ve partnered with our long-time Presenting Sponsor Kaiser Permanente to come up with this creative solution that keeps the community connection and active spirit of Sunday Parkways alive. I hope to see you all at a Sunday Parkways event in person later this summer.”

Choose Your Own Adventure – Sunday Parkways Style

This year’s Sunday Parkways will be chock full of ways for Portlanders to get active and explore the city in a safe and healthy way.

Digital Adventures

Starting May 1, 2021, Sunday Parkways, Presented by Kaiser Permanente, will kick off its digital programming on its website and social media channels with fan favorites from last year, including: DJ Prashant, Andy Red Yarn, Trainer Tyra, and a variety of disability-and equity-focused programs. Sunday Parkways will also expand its how to walk, ride and roll series to help Portlanders learn more about transportation topics like bike repair, pedestrian safety, and painted intersections. Finally, Sunday Parkways will round out this year's digital programming with a collection of videos developed in partnership with Portland Parks and Recreation, Community and Civic Life, and Portland Fire and Rescue.

Explore Portland, Find Stickers, Win Prizes!

For 2021, Kaiser Permanente and PBOT will bring back the popular Sticker Hunt, while adapting it for the current public health environment. Expanding the map, the Sticker Hunt will take participants on walking, biking or rolling tours all across the city. Sharp-eyed sticker hunters will have the opportunity to win weekly, monthly, and end-of-season prizes and swag from Sunday Parkways sponsors, including Presenting Sponsor Kaiser Permanente, Metro, iQ Credit Union, AARP, NW Natural and the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability.

Walking and Biking Adventures

To encourage Portlanders to get out and get active in a safe, physically distanced way with their favorite COVID-19 crew, Sunday Parkways will also roll out a series of short neighborhood walk and bike maps that Portlanders can use to explore city neighborhoods. The routes PBOT has developed in partnership with the PBOT Smart Trips program will connect Portlanders to parks, local shopping districts, and neighborhood greenways, the city's specially designed bike- and walk-friendly streets. These Neighborhood Greenways will provide more than 100 miles of low-traffic streets called “Slow Streets,” marked by orange barrels and signs, so people have more space to enjoy a walk, bike ride or strollsafely.

Supporting Businesses and Adapting as the City Heals

To support the vendors and other organizations that normally participate in the event, the digital Sunday Parkways will showcase Portland businesses on a virtual platform. For more information, go to or As the public health situation unfolds over the next few months, Sunday Parkways will evolve with it. PBOT is interested in hearing from Portlanders about the proposed programming. To provide feedback, go to to fill out a short household survey. In addition, the Portland Sunday Parkways team can also be reached at 1-503-823-7599 or by email at 

A color bar showing a variation of colors including orange, red, green, and blue

About Sunday Parkways

City of Portland Sunday Parkways 2021 Presented by Kaiser Permanente. Sunday Parkways is a Portland Bureau of Transportation program. For maps and more information, visit or call 503-823-7599. Follow up on Facebook @PortlandSundayParkways, Twitter @SundayParkways, Instagram @PortlandSundayParkways or sign up to join our Sticker Hunt at (844) 874-0050 and type in the word "Resilience." 

About Kaiser Permanente

For 75 years, Kaiser Permanente has been committed to shaping the future of health and health care —and helping our members, patients, and communities experience more healthy years. We are recognized as one of America’s leading health care providers and not-for-profit health plans. Since July 21, 1945, Kaiser Permanente’s mission has been to provide high-quality, affordable health care services and to improve the health of our members and the communities we serve. We currently serve 12.4 million members in 8 states and the District of Columbia. Care for members and patients is focused on their total health and guided by their personal Permanente Medical Group physicians, specialists, and team of caregivers. Our expert and caring medical teams are empowered and supported by industry-leading technology advances and tools for health promotion, disease prevention, state-of-the-art care delivery, and world-class chronic disease management. Kaiser Permanente is dedicated to care innovations, clinical research, health education, and the support of community health. For more information, please visit:

Logo reads: Presented by Kaiser Permanente

The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) is the steward of the city’s transportation system and a community partner in shaping a livable city. We plan, build, manage, and maintain an effective and safe transportation system that provides access and mobility. Learn more at

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