Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
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Portland is a Sanctuary City

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Portland Bureau of Transportation’s Sunday Parkways digital programming helps Portlanders find joy and connection during 2020

News Article

Enjoy free, family-friendly virtual Sunday Parkways programming, presented by Kaiser Permanente, through the end of September at www.sundayparkways.org.

(Aug. 18, 2020) The Portland Bureau of Transportation’s (PBOT) Sunday Parkways, presented by Kaiser Permanente, will continue to roll out free, family-friendly virtual programming for the rest of the Sunday Parkways season through the end of September.

Portland Sunday Parkways began 13 years ago as a one-off, urban experiment, and has blossomed into five events held across the city each summer. This year, it has been a little different. With the help of Portlanders, the program has continued to keep our community connected and active with exciting conversations and online events around fitness, art, gardening, and specific classes for people with disabilities. They’ve celebrated storytelling, Juneteenth, LGBTQ+ Pride month, and so much more.

View videos of these events and classes on Sunday Parkways Facebook page.

A Zebra is on a computer (is looking up Portland Sunday Parkways) and sits at a table in a room with a bookshelf full of books and a plant with a red pot. He also has a cup of drinking water with a straw on this table..

Throughout the 2020 season, Sunday Parkways has highlighted professionals of color and women. They have also supported Portlanders in a way that reflects PBOT’s values, centered on community connection, equity, and inclusion. They partnered with Portland United Against Hate and the Office of Community & Civic Life for “A Conversation on Community Resiliency and Anti-Racism” as well as “A Conversation on Social Isolation with the Community Safety Program” in EnglishVietnamese, and Spanish.

Want to catch up on all the great programming from the past three months? Stop by the Sunday Parkways FacebookInstagramTwitter or website for more information.

Two sloths cook in the kitchen. The parent sloth is cutting carrots. The younger child sloth is mixing something for baking. Eggs and milk are to his left.

August - Eating to Be Well

Throughout August, Sunday Parkways will be celebrating food and the role it plays as fuel, a community connector, and a cultural ambassador. Every Monday and Wednesday at noon they will host a cooking class series called “Lunch with Sunday Parkways.” This Wednesday, Sunday Parkways will be partnering with Chef James Bradley from Po’Shines Café De La Soul for Teach Me to Fish, a class on preparing vegan and vegetarian food with a Southern spin. Kaiser Permanente’s Executive Chef Greg Gates is also teaming up with Portland Sunday Parkways to roll out a virtual recipe book. Attend the Food & Mood webinar hosted by Kaiser Permanente on Aug. 28 to be the first to receive this new release!

Other cooking classes this month have included Zoodlemania with Chef Jacobsen Valentine, the founder and executive director of Feed the Mass, and Cook with What You Have with Katherine Deumling.

September – Portland Has Talent  

In September, Sunday Parkways will be teaming up with Portland-based Independent Publishing Resource Center and Kaiser Permanente to do a ‘zine series with various local artists. Each week will focus on different talents, including crafts, comedy, music, writing, and poetry. The final week of September will be dedicated to wellness, with a focus on meditation and relaxation. Fitness classes will continue to be held twice a week.

Share Your Skills

If you or someone you know has skills to share, let us know. Send your name, contact info, description of your skill, a little information about yourself, and a photo, video, or other visual of your skills to PortlandSundayParkways@portlandoregon.gov. For those we select, the Sunday Parkways team will work with you to debut a short video on our social media platforms, or create additional content for our website. There is no age limit, but children under 18 will need a parent's consent.

If you would like to know more online programming from the Sunday Parkways team, visit the Sunday Parkways website and help spread the word!Image removed.

Join Portland Sunday Parkways

 WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagram, and eNewsletter 

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