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2024 Portland Sunday Parkways Season

Portland Sunday Parkways 2024 event banner featuring 2024 dates and a photo of two people riding their bikes on an open street, and a group of participants engaging in a fitness class.
Portland Sunday Parkways presented by Kaiser Permanente announces its 2024 season featuring three open street events.
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Last Updated 3/13/2024

Portland Sunday Parkways 2024 Season

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Get ready to dust off your bikes, lace up your sneakers, and join us for the much-awaited return of the Portland Sunday Parkways 2024 season! This year Portland Sunday Parkways presented by Kaiser Permanente will re-visit East Portland on May 19, Northeast Cully on June 16, and Southwest Multnomah on September 22.  

Portland Sunday Parkways features community-focused events that transform neighborhoods into vibrant car-free zones, promoting active lifestyles, community engagement, and sustainable transportation. This program, established by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), has become a celebrated tradition, bringing together residents, local businesses, and visitors in a unique and inclusive outdoor experience that highlights the network of neighborhood greenways and other infrastructure, parks, and community resources.    

This program returned to in-person events in 2023, along with introducing a new approach. Each event route will highlight a Portland neighborhood for a few years to help build upon the investments and partnerships that are being made. In addition, more community awareness is achieved each year which results in more people having access to walk, bike, roll, or play on safe and comfortable open streets. 

Here are the program’s goals going into 2024 with this new approach: 

  • Prioritize local neighborhoods that have been underserved by Portland Sunday Parkways. 
  • Uplift local organizations and businesses within the neighborhoods that have been underserved by Portland Sunday Parkways. 
  • Familiarize Portlanders with neighborhood greenways and other infrastructure to encourage walking, biking, and rolling all year long.  
  • Create equitable, accessible, and safe opportunities for Portlanders to try walking, biking, and rolling for the first time.  

Ways to get involved with Portland Sunday Parkways  

The spirit of Portland Sunday Parkways has always come from the people who make up these events, from dedicated volunteers to amazing local vendors and entertainers, to the neighbors who we share the streets with, and we can’t wait to celebrate community and open streets together.   

Share your thoughts to win Sunday Parkways merch

Share your feedback by taking our pre-event survey. This is an opportunity to shape the future of this program and ensure that the events reflect the needs and wants of our diverse community. Plus, you’ll have a chance to win Sunday Parkways merch for having your voice heard. The survey will remain open until May 17, 2024

Take the pre-event survey

Be a part of the celebration  

These large-scale community celebrations are only possible with the support from our amazing volunteers. Be one of the hundreds of people who help make these events fun and safe. You can sign up individually or as a group. A shift only lasts for half of the event so you will have plenty of time to explore the route and enjoy all the free activities.   

Learn about volunteer roles and sign up

Bring your talents to Portland Sunday Parkways   

Are you interested in having your small business or organization participate at Sunday Parkways? Do you have a special skill you’d like to share with the community?  

Learn more about being a vendor at an event

2024 Events  

Choose your own adventure at Portland Sunday Parkways! Participants are welcome to join the route at any point and head in any direction. These event routes are specially designed to highlight the network of neighborhood greenways and other infrastructure, parks, and community resources. There will be areas along the route and at the featured parks where circulation slows for vendor marketplaces, community booths, free family-friendly activities, and live entertainment.  

Please note: Event routes are subject to change; we will post any updates to our website and social media sites. 

East Portland Event - Sunday, May 19, 2024 

Map of the Sunday Parkways event in East Portland on May 19, 2024 noting the 3.3-mile multimodal route, and where car traffic can cross. Map features the parks on either end of the route and in the middle: Gateway Discovery Park, Ventura Park, and Lincoln Park. Details of these routes and car crossings are in the body text below this image.

The East Portland 3.3-mile down-and-back route will feature Gateway Discovery Park, Ventura Park, and Lincoln Park. Start anywhere on the route and bike, walk, or roll as you explore the three featured parks. Enjoy free activities and entertainment as you go from park to park between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Text "EAST” to 888-520-0526 for event updates! 

Reading north to south, the map indicates the route from Gateway Discovery Park, travelling along NE Wasco Street to 107th Avenue, 107th Avenue to Oregon Street, Oregon Street to 108th Avenue, 108th Avenue to Everett Street, Everett Street to 113th Avenue, 113th Avenue as it passes Ventura Park to SE Yamhill Street, Yamhill Street to 117th Street, 117th Street to Main Street, Main Street until it crosses 122nd Avenue, jogging slightly to continue on Salmon Street until 130th Avenue, 130th Avenue to Mill Street, then along Mill Street until it hits Lincoln Park.

Car traffic is permitted to cross the route from NE Glisan Street crossing at 108th Avenue, from E Burnside Street or SE Stark Street where they cross 113th Avenue, or from SE 122nd Avenue where it crosses Main and Salmon streets.

Go to East Portland event page 

Northeast Cully Event - Sunday, June 16, 2024 

Map of the Sunday Parkways event in Northeast Cully on June 16, 2024 noting the borders and four city parks along the route, and where car traffic can cross. The 6.2-mile route features Fernhill Park and Khunamokwst Park on the western loop and Wellington Park and Roseway Park on the eastern loop. Details of these borders and car crossings are in the body text below this image.

The Northeast Cully 6.2-mile looped route rises significantly as one travels from north to south stopping along the way at Fernhill Park, Kʰunamokwst Park, Wellington Park, and Roseway Parkway. If it gets a bit taxing, make sure to take a break and enjoy some free activities and entertainment at each park between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Text “CULLY” to 888-520-0526 for event updates! 

The western loop of the Sunday Parkways event in Northeast Cully is bordered by NE 37th Avenue to the west, Holman (between 37th and 41st avenues) and Simpson streets (41st avenue to 55th) to the north, 54th and 55th avenues to the east and Alberta Court to the south, with small jogs along Killingsworth, Emerson, and Alberta streets to connect around Khunamokwst Park and between 54th and 55th avenues.

The eastern loop is bordered by NE 54th and 55th avenues to the west (with a small jog on Prescott Street connecting them), Alberta Street to the north, 72nd Avenue to the east (including Roseway Parkway), and Mason Street to the south including along Wellington Park.

The map indicates where car traffic will be allowed to cross the route from NE Killingsworth Street (at 37th, 54th, and 55th avenues), from NE 42 Avenue (at Simpson Street and Alberta Court), from Prescott Street (at 54th, 55th, and 72nd avenues), and from Cully Boulevard (at Alberta and Mason streets).

Go to Northeast Cully event page

Southwest Portland Event - Sunday, September 22, 2024 

Map of the Sunday Parkways event in Southwest Portland on Sept. 22, 2024 noting a 2-mile multimodal route and the 1.5 mile walking route, and where car traffic can cross. Map features Gabriel Park, the Multnomah Arts Center, Multnomah Village, and Spring Garden Park. Details of these routes and car crossings are in the body text below this image.

The Southwest Portland route will feature a 2-mile multi-modal route along with a separate 1.5-mile walking route. Take in Gabriel Park as you stroll along the flat walking route or enjoy the wind in your hair as you ride the neighborhood hills.  And when you are dropping down those neighborhood hills, make sure to monitor your speed and check your brakes! Text “Southwest” to 888-520-0526 for event updates! 

The Sunday Parkways event in Southwest Portland on Sept. 22, 2024 has two overlapping routes. 

The first route is 1.5 miles long for pedestrians and runs between the north side of Gabriel Park to the south end of Spring Garden Park. Traveling north to south, it runs within Gabriel Park then continues on SW Canby Street to 36th Avenue, 36th Avenue to Troy Street, Troy Street to 35th Avenue, 35th Avenue to Spring Garden Street, and finishes up inside Spring Garden Park. Car traffic is permitted to cross this route using SW Multnomah Boulevard or Falcon Street to cross 35th Avenue.

The second route is 2 miles long and is multimodal, for people walking, biking, rolling, and strolling. Traveling north to south, it runs from the north end of Gabriel Park and continues on SW Vermont Street to 33rd Place, 33rd Place to Nevada Court, Nevada Court to 33rd Avenue, then entirely on SW Capitol Highway to Dolph Court, finishing up along Dolph Court until it meets Spring Garden Park. Map notes that car traffic is permitted to cross this route using 35th Avenue and crossing at Vermont Street or at SW Capitol Highway.

Go to Southwest Portland event page 

What are neighborhood greenways?  

Neighborhood greenways are low-traffic and low-speed streets where people walking, biking, and rolling are prioritized. Neighborhood greenways make traveling to the grocery store, school, pharmacy or other destinations more comfortable and enjoyable for pedestrians and cyclists.   

Did you know Portland has over 100 miles of greenways? PBOT is continuing to add more in certain areas and improve those that already exist! 

Learn more about neighborhood greenways  

About Portland Sunday Parkways  

Portland Sunday Parkways mission is to promote healthy active living through free events that open the city's largest public space ‐‐ its streets ‐‐ for people to walk, bike, roll, and enjoy. Portland Sunday Parkways builds community through connection, fosters civic pride, stimulates economic development, and represents the community, business and government investments as Portland recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Our goals are to: 

  • Connect people to their neighborhood parks and community resources.  
  • Provide free, accessible, inclusive family-friendly activities in underserved communities.  
  • Showcase infrastructure improvements that support walking and bicycling.  
  • Encourage physical activity to increase overall health and well-being.  
  • Provide programming that reflects community members interests, abilities, and culture. 

Accessibility at Sunday Parkways  

Portland Sunday Parkway's open street events are for everyone!

PBOT is committed to accessible programs, services, and activities. Portland Sunday Parkways activities are open to all participants.  In addition, we will provide activities and programs from organizations and presenters that specifically support, serve, and represent people with disabilities.      

Portland Sunday Parkways opens the streets for people to experience joy and belonging in their community. Therefore, hate is not tolerated at these events. We acknowledge that everyone's experience of city streets and public spaces is different and that some community members are at greater risk of experiencing hate based on the color of their skin, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation. We do not tolerate hateful speech or actions at Portland Sunday Parkways events.   

We invite all of our participants to combat hate with love. Here are five ways to show love to your community:  

  1. Report hate incidents when you see it  
  2. Learn more and support organizations with anti-hate mission
  3. Engage in conversation with a new neighbor or friend 
  4. Make space for all bodies and diverse ways of being as we celebrate open streets 
  5. Say hello to your neighbor (we love the friendly sound of bike bells!)  

Have questions about Portland Sunday Parkways?   

View answers to our most frequently asked questions. You can also send an email to portlandsundayparkways@portland…

Frequently Asked Questions

Stay in the loop  

Be the first to know as we share more details for this year’s events by following us on social media, signing up for our newsletter, or subscribing to our text words below.  

  • Instagram  
  • Facebook  
  • Newsletter   
  • Text words - Send a text with any of the following words to 888-520-0526 and you'll get updates directly to your phone.  
  • "Cully" for information on the Northeast Cully event.   
  • "East" for information on the East Portland event.   
  • "Southwest" for information on the Southwest Portland event.   
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