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Portland Street Response News Menu
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Portland State University’s Homeless Research & Action Collaborative has released the Portland Street Response (PSR) Year 2 Mid-Point Evaluation Report

Portland State University's third independent evaluation of Portland Street Response was released today.

News article

Portland Street Response Expands Service Citywide

After operating mostly in the greater Lents area, Portland Street Response will start taking calls citywide on March 28, 2022

News article

Portland Street Response Night Shift Launches Nov 4; PSR Offers Increased Hours, Expanded Boundaries

On Nov 4, Portland Street Response’s second shift will start taking calls and offers expanded service from 6 pm – 2:30 am Thursday through Sunday. PSR’s existing day shift has changed its hours to 9 am to 5 pm Monday – Thursday. Both shifts will respond in a new expanded boundary.

News article

New PSU report examines effectiveness of Portland Street Response

Researchers presented results to Portland City Council 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 5. This is a press release from Portland State University. A link to the program evaluation is included.

News article

Commissioner Rubio Statement on Portland Street Response

Portlanders have resoundingly told Council that they need us to work together to meet Portland’s challenges. And where we fall short or lack paths forward to meet an urgent need, it is our job to create them.

Press release

Portland Street Response Statement Regarding Death of Robert Douglas Delgado

PSR on its response model and steps forward

News article

Portland Street Response Pilot Adds Increased Areas of Service, Adds More Call Types

Portland Street Response expanded its boundaries on April 1, 2021 to serve more areas and added additional call types.

News article

Portland Street Response Pilot Hits Streets in Lents on Feb 16

The innovative new first response program is in its pilot year.

News article

Portland Street Response Begins Training its First Team in Pilot

Portland Street Response (PSR), the innovative non-police response created to assist people experiencing houselessness or a behavioral/mental health crisis, kicked off its first day with its pilot team on Monday, January 11.

Press release

Portland Street Response Welcomes First Program Manager, Other Hires in Process

New hire for Portland Street Response announced

Press release

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