Shelter Services Data Dashboard (for period July 1, 2022 to September 30, 2024)

People at Sunderland RV Safe Park opening
This page links to Shelter Services Data Dashboard which shares the programmatic outcomes for shelter participants.

This page was created Wednesday, 5.3.2023, and updated 11.13.2024

Shelter Services Program Outcomes

View Shelter Services Data Dashboard

The Shelter Services Data Dashboard was updated 11/13/2024 to include all 27-months of data from July 1, 2022 to September 30, 2024. It shares program outcomes for individuals served in shelters under the nine of the City of Portland's nine shelter sites. (This includes Safe Rest Villages, the Clinton Triangle Temporary Alternative Shelter Site, and the River District Navigation Center (for the period starting Jan. 1, 2024, when the City began partnering with RDNC. It is provided for transparency purposes, and to understand program outcomes for decision making. It is also required reporting, as part of funding requirements for recipients of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

This is different and complementary to the City of Portland's ARPA Open Data Portal, which shares information about all of the City's ARPA projects, and where those funds are being spent.

Below is video on how to read our dashboard.


Questions? Contact the City Shelter Services Team