This page was established on 3.16.22, and substantially updated on 12.6.23
Do you need shelter or services now?
For those in immediate need:
Referrals are made directly by specific outreach workers only. We cannot accept self-referral or third-party referral requests at this time.
Anyone interested in emergency shelter should call 211 or visit Shelter and Homeless Services for additional shelter information.
- For those with internet access (reading this webpage), the 211Info program connects people with health and social services they need. Or Call 211.
- Check out the Joint Office of Homeless Services for information about alternative shelters.
- Street Roots Resource Guide. Printed copies are published quarterly and available from Street Roots and more than 400 entities in partnership with them.
Also of help may be the Multnomah County Who to Call for What resources page.
Want to help, learn more, or report a concern?
Addressing Camping and trash:
The City’s Impact Reduction Program (IRP) can address issues like tents and structures, including the 150’ buffer around the Armory property. If you see those types of concerns – report it as soon as possible. IRP can address on public property / ODOT. They do not have jurisdiction on private property, but can let private property owner know.
- Fill out a report online
- Call 311 or 503-823-4000 and ask to file a campsite report
- Email with the location (address or nearest cross streets)
Addressing Mental Health Crises:
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, or are witnessing someone who is and want to help:
- You can also call the Multnomah County Crisis line – (503) 988-4888, ask for Project Respond Project Respond, which operates 24/7.
- You can call 911, and ask for Portland Street Response. (Not 24/7, yet.) They often can resolve without use of police / force. Portland Street Response wear t-shirts.
Addressing Other Issues:
- Police Non-Emergency (503) 823-3333. Here’s advice on when to call police non-emergency.
Reading list for children:
We've heard from many of you asking how to discuss the issues of poverty and houselessness with children. Here are a few links with books and other resources to navigate those conversations.
- Growing Book by Book's list of books for children about houselessness.
- Imagination Soup's list of books for children about poverty and houselessness.
Reading list for everyone:
- LA Family Housing - reading list.
Other Jurisdictions - Learn from Us!
The Safe Rest Village project was designed as a building-off point for the City of Portland to delve into the provision of services in our area. In order to resolve this crisis as soon as possible, we need all jurisdictions to work together - not apart. With that spirit in mind, we're putting together the resources we used, and some we created ourselves, for other jurisdictions to build their own Villages.
- Shelter to Housing Continuum - The landmark changes proposed by a joint effort spearheaded by the Bureau of Planning & Sustainability informed the basis of our work since the beginning
- Temporary Outdoor Shelter Guide - This guide, put together by the Bureau of Development Services, defines what can be considered a temporary, outdoor shelter and how they can be permitted. The rules placed in this document informed how our shelters were built.
- Portland State University's Village How-To Guide - Portland State University's Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative created this document after interviewing and studying various Village-style shelters that have been successful in Portland. They put their findings and recommended best practices together in this document.
This site will be updated as things evolve. There is much more information on linked pages, but if you find that you have questions not addressed here, please reach out to our team at saferestvillages@portlandoregon…