This page was created Wednesday, 11.10.21 from information formerly on the project homepage. It has been updated several times, most recently on 11.12.24
Locations of City Shelters
You can find a photo of each shelter site in this list. Feel free to scroll through, and if you want more information about a site in particular, click on the site name to go to the corresponding webpage for that shelter.
BIPOC Village - 84 NE Weidler St
Clinton Triangle - 1490 SE Gideon St
Menlo Park SRV - 12305 SE Ash Street
Multnomah Village SRV - 2731 SW Multnomah Blvd.
N Portland Road - 10505 N. Portland Road
Peninsula Crossing Trail SRV - 6767 N Syracuse St
River District Navigation Center - 1111 NW Naito Pkwy
SE Reedway SRV - 10550 SE Reedway St
Queer Affinity Village - 2185 SW Naito Parkway
Sunderland RV Safe Park - 9827 NE Sunderland Ave.
This site is Portland's first RV Safe Park Village.