This page was created Wednesday, 11.10.21 from information formerly on the project homepage. It has been updated several times, most recently on 5.16.24
ARPA Funded Shelters
Thanks to a federal grant to the City of Portland from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the City's Safe Rest Village team is adding to the mix of alternative shelters throughout Portland. These are just some of the many shelters, each with different models, funding sources, and services, that collectively provide for those in need. This County Joint Office of Homeless Services map shares the location and some information on the broader system of alternative shelters.
Locations of Temporary Alternative Shelter (TASS) Sites
There are two Temporary Alternative Shelter (TASS) sites. You can find information on them both here:
- Clinton Triangle (1490 SE Gideon St)
- Portland Road (10505 N. Portland Road) - IN DEVELOPMENT
Locations of Safe Rest Village Sites
Below is a map of the locations for Safe Rest Villages. For more information on each site, click on the headline above each map below.
Peninsula Crossing Trail SRV - 6767 N Syracuse St
Menlo Park SRV - 12305 SE Ash Street
Multnomah Village SRV - 2731 SW Multnomah Blvd.
River District Navigation Center
The City's Shelter Services is now managing the RDNC.
SE Reedway SRV - 10550 SE Reedway St
Sunderland RV Safe Park - 9827 NE Sunderland Ave.
This site is Portland's first RV Safe Park Village.