This page originally published Thursday 3.31.23, Updated 9.17.24
Where did the shelter units and service structures come from?
City Shelters could not exist without the shelter units and services structures we have on all of our sites. They allow our participants to store their belongings, have a locking door, and be safe from extreme weather conditions, as well as provide work space for shelter operators on site. You may have noticed that each of our Villages looks slightly different, based on what structures they have on site.
In order to comply with procurement rules of the federal American Rescue Act, and because it's good governance, we went through an open procurement process to find companies able to provide structures to meet our needs. In August of 2021, our program's Request for Proposals was shared with businesses around the country. This allowed various manufacturers of shelter units and service structures to bid on this opportunity to provide their products. Ultimately five vendors were selected, so price agreements were made.
We have provided the names and price agreements of those vendors below. We are thankful for their innovation and their work in this field as the Village-style shelter model spreads throughout the country.
Our shelter unit and service structure manufacturers
Custom Containers 915
Shelter Locations: Peninsula Crossing Safe Rest Village, Reedway Safe Rest Village
LIT Workshop
Shelter Locations: Menlo Park Safe Rest Village, Multnomah Safe Rest Village, Sunderland RV Safe Park, Peninsula Crossing Safe Rest Village, Reedway Safe Rest Village, Clinton Triangle, N Portland Rd
SRV Locations: Peninsula Crossing Safe Rest Village, Queer Affinity Village
Stanley Tiny Homes
SRV Locations: Menlo Park Safe Rest Village, Sunderland RV Safe Park, Peninsula Crossing Safe Rest Village