Emergency shelters open

The shelters are open until at least noon Tuesday. More information is at Multnomah County's Care for When It's Cold website: Multco.us/Cold. Check on your neighbors. Find city services information.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Good Neighbor Commitments

Image of Urban Alchemy staff introducing themselves to a community member

This page was originally published Tuesday 09.28.23 and was updated 09.17.24

Statement of Good Neighbor Commitments

The City’s Shelter Services team recognizes that the success of each managed shelter hinges on being a good neighbor to the community of which it is a part. Here we outline the City of Portland's commitment to each community in which a shelter exists. Good Neighbor Agreements are negotiated between stakeholders, including the City of Portland and neighborhood associations, for some locations and may include additional commitments beyond those outlined here. Here we share our team’s intentions to ensure that the villages are accountable, successful, reachable and safe for those inside and around them.

The City of Portland Shelter Services team commits to the following:

1. A no-camping buffer around each village

Each shelter has a buffer zone. This is a minimum 250-foot camping boundary. The size of the buffer depends on the specific site.

In this buffer zone, campsite removal is prioritized. This means that regardless of their site assessment score (which prioritizes removal based on a series of criteria), any encampment within this buffer zone around a City of Portland shelter will be prioritized for removal. People should report the camp either online at PDX Reporter or by calling 311, as with any other campsite, and it will be marked for removal. Please note that the Impact Reduction Program, which addresses campsite removals, is still required to follow Oregon State Law and provide 72 hours of notice before removal.

2. Offering and hosting a Community Committee

At the request of the local neighborhood association and/or immediate neighbors, the City of Portland Shelter Services team are committed to meet on a regular basis with the local neighborhood association, shelter operator, immediate neighbors, and others to discuss updates and problem solve as a group.

These groups will meet regularly, unless it is determined by the group that they want to change the frequency of meetings or put them on pause.

3. Clear lines of communication for neighbors and the community

Each shelter will have a phone line to report immediate issues that will be easily found on the shelter website, as well as through 311. One can find that information on the Locations Page. Additionally, the City has an email (shelterservices@portlandoregon.gov) and a voicemail (503-823-1340) which can be used to ask questions, report concerns, and otherwise check in with program staff about these shelters.

Specific questions about shelter operations can be directed to the shelter operator first. If concerns are not immediately addressed, neighbors can call or email the City of Portland Shelter Services team to follow up on those concerns. Other questions about the shelters can be directed to the City of Portland Shelter Services team or brought to the Community Committee (if one has been established) for additional discussion and follow-up.

4. Having Community Guidelines for each shelter

All shelters maintain a set of Community Guidelines (Code of Conduct, Participant Expectations, etc.) that all participants must follow. These address basic expectations for participants and behavior for people inside the village.

Every participant, when they enter services at a shelter, is expected to maintain a safe and healthy environment for themselves and others. If they do not follow these guidelines, and refuse to change behavior, they may be excluded from services.

All shelters are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by qualified service providers, to help ensure community guidelines are followed, for everyone’s safety and well-being.

Each shelter has its own webpage, which includes their Community Guidelines and contact information. One can find that information on the Locations Page. If you have a concern about a particular shelter participant’s behavior, please let the shelter operator know. Privacy concerns may limit how shelter operators follow up with those who report them, but all concerns are taken seriously and followed up on.

5. Sharing program data

The City’s Shelter Services team collects data quarterly from our shelter operators, including the number of people served, demographic information, exit destinations, as well as other information that community members and we as program managers want to understand. This is posted online on our Dashboard (City Shelter Services Data Dashboard).

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