Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Services and Resources

562 services and resources found
Businesses, including vendors and promoters, doing business over a very limited term in Portland must apply for a temporary business license from the City of Portland's Revenue Division.
If you'd like to use water from a specific hydrant, you can apply for a temporary hydrant permit. This permit allows you to use that hydrant for up to 90 days.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) launched the Safe Streets Initiative in response to the Covid-19 public health crisis. Part of this initiative is FREE, temporary, 5-minute pickup/drop-off permit to use a designated parking space near your business. Zones are valid through June 30, 2022.
Hardship fund pilot program managed by Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) for victims of auto theft and others living on low income needing to retrieve towed and impounded vehicles. Provides up to $300 for towing and storage expenses, while funds last.
With Treebate, you can receive a one-time credit on your City of Portland sewer/stormwater/water utility bill for planting a tree in your yard or garden. Purchase, plant, and apply from September 1 through April 30 for a credit of up to $50 per tree.
Apply for and receive your UC Permit by email. Environmental Services issues UC Permits that are required for private lateral connections to public sewer laterals or mains. See the Guide to UR and UC Permits for more details.
Apply for and receive a UR Permit by email. Environmental Services issues UR Permits for lateral repairs in the right-of-way (ROW), typically from property line to curb. See the Guide to UR and UC Permits for more details. Development Services issues permits for private property sewer work.
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) through the Portland in the Streets program issues Vending Cart permits to allow vendors to sell food or merchandise using a small mobile cart. Vendors with a permit can vend at specific locations on the public sidewalk.
Before beginning any voluntary demolition or repair work in the pedestrian sidewalk corridor, you or your contractor must have a Minor Improvement Permit (MIP) from the Bureau of Transportation. Fees are between $71 and $236 per permit for up to 100 linear feet of frontage repair.
Zone V parking permits help make evening parking easier for Eliot residents and their guests during large events around the Rose Quarter. Permits required to park more than two hours, 5-10 p.m., October through May. Online portal managed by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT).
The City may accept a private sewer line in the right-of-way serving residential properties under certain conditions. To request that the City of Portland consider accepting your private sewer line in the public right-of-way, follow the steps on this page.
All organizations offering amusement machines, devices, or games for display or operation that require payment or other valuable consideration for viewing and/or use must first obtain a permit from the City of Portland Revenue Division.
Annual area parking permits for residents and employers in Zones A-U. Permits help alleviate commuter parking in residential neighborhoods. Online portal managed by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Find your zone, instructions for payment and renewal, FAQ.
If you run a business that needs water at various places around the city, you can apply for an annual hydrant permit. The permit allows you to fill your truck or trailer tank at certain hydrants.
8/1/2024 - Important changes to the application process - new form and new online system at the OLCC, details below!
Annual parking permits for certain commercial activity, deliveries, maintenance, and others not met by standard parking zones or truck loading zones. Online portal managed by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Find your permit type, instructions for payment, renewal, or replacement.
Your company may need a permit to discharge process wastewater to the City sewer. Download the Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit application here.
Apply for a 1200-Z general NPDES stormwater discharge permit for an industrial site in City limits. Environmental Services receives and processes applications for general stormwater permits. The City is the authorized agent for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
Apply for Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) Outdoor Dining. Steps to follow before applying, fee schedule, links to design guidance and permit conditions.
Batch discharge authorizations are issued to businesses or projects that need to discharge to the sanitary sewer or, in rare cases, to the stormwater system. Discharges are limited in volume, duration, and frequency. Learn how to apply for discharge authorization procedure on this page.
Contractors interested in bidding as a prime on a public improvement projects with an engineer’s estimate of $500,000 or greater, must be prequalified with the City of Portland.
If you’re struggling to pay your sewer, stormwater, and water bill, we can help. Learn how to apply for a discount on your bill and view other resources for lowering your bill.
Learn more about land use review and final plat applications in the City of Portland. Find out where to send your application.
A limited number of bike lockers are available for rent downtown by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Follow the instructions to learn about locations, get added to our waitlist, or renew your rental. Rentals are for 3- or 6- month periods and require a refundable key deposit.


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