Services and Resources

4 services and resources found
Apply for a loan from Environmental Services to finance system development, line, branch, or sewer conversion charges. Loans can also cover the cost of paying a qualified contractor to connect a building or manufactured home to the public sewer system or replace a nonconforming sewer connection.
Apply for and receive your UC Permit by email. Environmental Services issues UC Permits that are required for private lateral connections to public sewer laterals or mains. See the Guide to UR and UC Permits for more details.
Apply for and receive a UR Permit by email. Environmental Services issues UR Permits for lateral repairs in the right-of-way (ROW), typically from property line to curb. See the Guide to UR and UC Permits for more details. Development Services issues permits for private property sewer work.
The City may accept or adopt a private sewer line in the right-of-way serving residential properties under certain conditions. To request that the City of Portland consider accepting or adopting your private sewer line in the public right-of-way, follow the steps on this page.