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In an effort to improve our customer service interactions, ensure successful sign submittals and reduce review times, the following information is being provided to assist our customers.
This handout describes the information needed when applying for a permit to increase the floor area (“envelope”) of an existing one or two-family dwelling in the City of Portland.
In response to new energy efficiency requirements within the 2021 Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC), the Bureau of Development Services requests additional information as part of each residential permit application proposing new HVAC duct systems, air handling equipment or appliances.
Send us your feedback about solar permits by Monday, October 12, 2020 at 5:00 PM
This handout explains permit requirements to convert an attic, basement or garage of a one or two-family dwelling to livable space in the City of Portland. read about requirements before you remodel an attic, update a basement or do a garage conversion.
This handout describes information required when applying for a permit for new construction, additions, alterations with exterior work or structural changes in the City of Portland.
As part of a continued effort to provide timely building permit review, the Bureau of Development Services requests certain information be included as part of each residential permit application proposing new enclosed roof area(s).
Get information about deferred submittal guidelines.
Find the online form, materials, and instructions to prepare a public works permitting final plans submittal.
Use this form during the concept development or design development steps of the public works permitting process when additional information is requested to complete the review.
What’s happening with Building, Electrical, Floating Structures, Mechanical and Plumbing Appeals? The Submittal Deadlines have changed!
You've corrected your plans in response to the checksheets. Now, learn how to organize your updated plans with the old plans, complete the checksheet response form, and schedule a drop-off appointment. Find the checksheet response form here. Note: This is for corrections to Paper Plans only!

TRN-1.091 – Alley Requirements

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Applying for a building permit for your commercial projects? You'll need to submit specific documents and plans. Find submittal requirements for commercial projects for new construction, additions, alterations, and change of use or occupancy.
Construction contractors seeking to grow their businesses through public contracting must meet general contractor requirements and added construction criteria. Learn about those requirements, opportunities to increase workforce diversity, and how do find and compete for construction contracts.
Get information about structural and engineering requirements for one and two-family residential projects in the City of Portland.
Get information about structural engineering and design requirements for new and existing commercial buildings and projects in the City of Portland. Find information about phased seismic agreements, updated seismic cost triggers for URM buildings and seismic evaluations.
The City of Portland will be adopting the new Oregon statewide building code, Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) 2019 with an effective starting date of October 1, 2019.
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