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Thank you for your interest in Last Thursday. Please review the mutual expectations for the festival manager, currently the City of Portland, and vendors.
From Oregon Department of Agriculture
The Bureau of Development Services (BDS) wants your input on the first draft of an administrative rule outlining requirements for signs posted on future development sites.
The following changes regarding residential demolitions and major residential alterations and additions became effective as of July 1, 2018: Definition of demolition & documentation.
Development Services is updating the interactive voice response (IVR) Inspection Request system message to include important details on Erosion Control Inspections (IVR Inspection #200), effective today.
State and City Rules Related to Public Recordkeeping Requirements

FIR-8.06 - Power Supply Requirements for Electric Motor-Driven Fire Pumps

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
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