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Information on qualifying rules for obtaining a public assembly permit.
Other rules and requirements pertaining to development review.
Owners and managers of multifamily properties – including apartments, condos, townhomes, and any residential community with five or more units – are required to provide and pay for adequate garbage and recycling service.
Publication Box Maintenance Requirements
Publication Box Display Requirements - Information for siting a publication box in the public right-of-way.
The HOME Program monitors compliance related to HOME funding received from the City of Portland, and uses industry-standard forms and guidelines to complete reviews.
Permit applications for laser use must include diagrams and drawings of the intended laser use.
Compliance training for SDC Exemption, MULTE, and Inclusionary Housing. This section applies to Rental Projects only. Find helpful hints and instructions on how to complete your annual reporting to PHB.
As part of a development permit or land use application, the landowner may be required to grant an easement to the City for public right-of-way purposes. This is often referred to as a “dedication.”
The Clean Air Construction (CAC) Program is a collaboration among public agencies in the Portland Metro Area to reduce diesel emissions on their construction projects. 
HOLTE Program
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