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Conservation Landmarks are individual properties designated by the City for their historic significance. This page provides a summary of the primary HRCP recommendations applicable to Conservation Landmarks.
Properties on the Historic Resource Inventory (HRI) were documented for their historic significance by the City in 1984. This page provides a summary of the primary HRCP recommendations applicable to HRI properties.
Conservation Districts are collections of properties designated by the City for their historic significance. This page provides a summary of the primary HRCP recommendations applicable to Conservation Districts.
The project comment period is now closed; City Council will cast final votes in January.
Historic Landmarks are individual properties designated for their historic significance by the City or National Park Service. This page provides a summary of the primary HRCP recommendations that would apply to Historic Landmarks.
Historic Districts are collections of properties designated for their historic significance by the City or National Park Service. This page provides a summary of the primary HRCP recommendations applicable to Historic Districts.
Recommended Draft of the Historic Resources Code Project to be published in July; City Council hearings and adoption expected this fall.
General information about the project’s focus areas.
Summary of public feedback being incorporated into Historic Resources Code Project proposals; public draft of zoning code proposals to be released in October
The Historic Resources Code Project (HRCP) made changes to Portland’s regulations for identifying, designating, protecting, and reusing historic places. This page describes the different components of the Recommended Draft, an amended version of which was adopted by City Council on January 26, 2022.
This page provides a summary of how the HRCP recommendations would rename and reorganize the hierarchy of historic resource types, including general summaries of the resource types, applicable regulations, and listing procedures for each.
City Council to hold a December 15 public hearing on final amendments to code updates for Portland’s older buildings and historic districts; register in advance to testify or submit your testimony in writing.
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