About Portland.gov

Portland.gov was developed to deliver city services and information that is easy to find, easy to access, and easy to understand.

Easy to Find

Content tends to be shorter and more conversational on the new site, and it's organized from a community perspective rather than a "bureau" perspective. People shouldn’t have to understand how their City government is organized to find the information they need.

Search is optimized using community focused topics and keywords. Community members can use special search pages by content type:

Easy to Access

Portland.gov should be accessible to all of our community members regardless of ability or device. Tools in this site make phone numbers easy to understand for screen reader technology and clickable for mobile devices. Over 50% of our site traffic is mobile. All layouts have been optimized to work great on mobile devices first—as well as working well on larger desktop displays.

Easy to Understand

Our goal is to write at a fifth-to-eighth grade reading level. This makes services easier to understand and to translate. When we cannot write at an inclusive reading level, it should be because technical precision is required or due to legal requirements.

Coming later this summer improved translation tools will help us deliver content to the ten City of Portland safe harbor languages.


Portland.gov Website Support


About Portland.gov (Английский)