Pay your personal tax online
You can make an extension payment, estimated quarterly payment, or return payment online.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, or Discover cards (with a 2.45% convenience fee). Electronic funds transfers (ACH payments) do not have a convenience fee.
Make a Metro SHS personal income tax payment
Make a Multnomah County PFA personal income tax payment
Pay your personal tax by mail
1. Download and complete the Personal Income Tax Voucher
IMPORTANT: Download and save the form to your computer, then open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete and print. Using your web browser to complete the form may result in incorrect form calculations and other issues.
Download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program.
If you are making a payment for more than one personal tax program, please a complete a separate voucher for each program.
Use Form PIT-V to make an extension payment, which must be remitted by the original return due date (generally April 15) for an automatic six-month filing extension. The Revenue Division does not allow an extension of time to pay your tax.
2. Mail voucher with payment to us
If you are making a payment for more than one personal tax program, please enclose a separate check or money order for each program. To ensure credit to your account, include the taxpayer's name, SSN or account number if known, tax program, and tax year on your check.
Make the check or money order payable to 'City of Portland', and mail your Personal Income Tax Voucher(s) with your payment(s) to:
Revenue Division - Personal Income Taxes
PO Box 9250
Portland, OR 97207-9250
Checks and payment vouchers for multiple tax programs can be mailed in the same envelope.