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Pay your business tax

Portland Business License Tax (and related surcharges and fees), Multnomah County Business Income Tax, and Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Business Income Tax are paid through the City of Portland. Make quarterly or extension payments, pay a tax bill, or make a general tax payment.

Making a payment for business taxes should only take a few minutes to complete.

On this Page

Pay your business tax online

To pay your business tax, you must first register for a Revenue Division tax account.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, or Discover cards (with a 2.45% convenience fee). Electronic funds transfers (ACH payments) do not have a convenience fee.

Pay your business tax

Pay your business tax by mail or in person

1. Download and fill out your payment form

To pay your business tax, you must first register for a Revenue Division tax account.

IMPORTANT: Download and save the form to your computer, then open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete and print. Using your web browser to complete the form may result in incorrect form calculations and other issues. Download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program.

If you are making a payment with your extension, use Form EXT:

If you are making an estimated payment for the City of Portland Business License Tax and/or Multnomah County Business Income Tax or for a payment sent separate from your Combined Tax Return, please use Form BZT-V:

If you are making an estimated payment for the Clean Energy Surcharge or for a payment sent separate from your Form CES, please use Form CES-V:

if you are making an estimated payment for the Metro Supportive Housing Services Business Income Tax, please use Form BIT-V:

2. Submit the completed form(s) and payment(s) to us

Write one check for each voucher being submitted and make the check(s) payable to 'City of Portland.'

By mail

Mail your completed form(s) and payment(s) to:

Revenue Division
111 SW Columbia St., Suite 600
Portland, OR 97201-5840
United States

In person

If you would like to make a payment in person, you can make a tax payment with cash, check, money order, or debit/credit card.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover debit/credit cards (with a to 2.45% convenience fee).

Mail or drop off your form(s) and payment(s) to:

Revenue Division
111 SW Columbia St., Suite 600
Portland, OR 97201-5840
United States

Pay a tax bill online

If you have received a billing for underpayment of tax from us and would like to make a payment online, you can make a payment using the Voucher ID on your bill.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, or Discover cards (with a 2.45% convenience fee). Electronic funds transfers (ACH payments) do not have a convenience fee.

Pay a tax bill

Pay a tax bill by mail

If you have received a billing for underpayment of tax from us and would like to make a payment, make your check payable to 'City of Portland' and mail your payment to:

Payments - BL/MCBIT
PO Box 8038
Portland, OR97207-8038
United States

To expedite the processing of your payment, include the payment voucher attached to the bill with your payment.


Business Tax Help

Revenue Division
phone number503-823-5157Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
fax number503-823-5192


Mailing address

Payments - BL/MCBIT
PO Box 8038
Portland, OR 97207-8038
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