File your withholding tax return online
To file your withholding tax returns online, you must first register for a Portland Revenue Online account.
File your withholding tax return
File your withholding tax return by mail
1. Download and complete the appropriate withholding tax return
Metro SHS Withholding Returns
Multnomah County PFA Withholding Returns
2. Mail your completed withholding tax return and payment, if included, to us
Make the check or money order payable to 'City of Portland.'
Returned checks will incur a $35 charge (returned check charge policy).
Mail your Withholding Tax Return with your payment to:
City of Portland - PIT Withholding
PO Box 9250
Portland, OR 97207-9250
Submit your W-2s
W-2s are submitted separately from the Annual Withholding Reconciliation returns and must be submitted electronically through Portland Revenue Online (PRO) in EFW2 format.