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File your Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report

Booking Agents, like Airbnb or FlipKey, must file transient lodgings monthly reports with the Revenue Division.

This form should take less than 1 hour to complete. Having monthly sales data available will reduce the time needed to complete.

On this Page

File your Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report online

Before you can file your Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report online, you must first register for a Revenue Division tax account.

To file your Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report online, you will need your Portland Revenue Online account information.

File your Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report

You will need a Portland Revenue Online account to file your Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report online. You will be asked to log in or create an account.

File your Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report by mail

1) Download and fill out your Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report

Before you can file your Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report, you must first register for a Revenue Division tax account.

IMPORTANT: Download and save the form to your computer, then open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete and print. Using your web browser to complete the form may result in incorrect form calculations and other issues.

Download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program.

For revenue earned on or after July 1, 2021

For reporting periods for revenue earned before July 1, 2021, please visit our forms page for those reports. Due to the change in the Tourism Improvement District Fee from 2% to 3%, reports filed using more recent forms cannot be accepted.

2) Mail your completed Booking Agent Transient Lodgings Monthly Report and payment to us.

Make your check payable to 'City of Portland.'

Returned checks will incur a $35 charge (Returned Check Charge Policy)

Mail your completed form and payment to:

Revenue Division - TL Division
P.O. Box 8791
Portland, OR 97207-8791
United States


Transient Lodgings Tax Help

Roger Koppy


Mailing address

Revenue Division - TL Division
P.O. Box 8791
Portland, OR 97207-8791
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