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Arts Education & Access Fund Citizen Oversight Committee Meeting

Public Meeting
Arts Education & Access Fund Citizen Oversight Committee (AOC) meeting to review the expenditures, progress, and outcomes of the Arts Education & Access Fund (Arts Tax).
7:00 pm 8:00 pm

Connection Instructions

Meeting ID: 579 183 9895

Passcode: iSu0TC


  1. Greetings/Introductions (10 minutes)
  2. Public Comment (5 minutes)
  3. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes (5 minutes)
    1. Materials: Meeting notes from 8 June 2023.
    2. Meeting Preparation: Please review the prior meeting’s notes in advance of the meeting. We will not review them during the meeting but instead will vote on adoption.
  4. Committee Reports (5 minutes)
    1. Bylaws Working Group: Status report on By Laws - information only, no action required.
    2. Materials: 31 July 2023 bylaws final draft.
    3. Meeting Preparation: If you have not already done so, please review the final draft bylaws in advance of the meeting. We will not review them during the meeting.
      The Bylaws Working Group is pleased to report that the bylaws have moved from "proposal" to "pending final city approval." Using the AEAF guidance first developed in April and affirmed at the June meeting, our last proposal to cure the substantive issues was accepted in mid-July by the City Attorney as follows:
      An independent Arts Education and Access Fund Oversight Committee (AOC) was authorized by the City's voters as an accountability measure on November 6, 2012 (Portland City Ballot Measure 26-146), and codified by City of Portland Resolution No. 36939, which added Chapter 5.73 to the Portland City Code, effective December 5, 2012.
      1. PURPOSE
        The purpose of the Arts Education and Access Fund Oversight Committee (AOC) is to include representatives of the City’s diverse communities to ensure the Arts Education
        and Access Fund is being implemented as required, to review expenditures made and to report their findings in a public record to the City Council on an annual basis. (Portland City Code (PCC) Section 5.73.050.) The AOC makes recommendations about the Arts Education & Access Fund to the City Council for its consideration and approval.
    4. Next steps: The Chair and the Arts Manager will shepherd the bylaws through the City's approval process. While the bylaws are not yet officially approved, the AEAF will be using them as our interim operating guidelines.
  5. Action Items (N/A)
    No items requiring voting by the AOC are planned for this meeting.
  6. Revenue Update (5 minutes)
    City of Portland Revenue will answer questions and provide any necessary update to the committee.
  7. City Arts Program Update (20 minutes)
    1. Materials: Arts Education Coordinator Update (Dawn Isaacs) and Arts and Culture Transition FAQ (Jeff Hawthorne).
    2. Meeting Preparation: Please review the materials and identify any questions, concerns, and/or clarification requests for the Arts Program staff before the meeting.
  8. Update from the Commissioner in Charge (5 minutes)
    Commissioner Ryan’s team will answer questions and provide any necessary update to the committee.
  9. Next Steps/Other Items (5 minutes)
    1. Other agenda items TBD
  10. Close
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