Arts Education & Access Fund Citizen Oversight Committee Meeting

Public Meeting
Arts Education & Access Fund Citizen Oversight Committee (AOC) meeting to review the expenditures, progress, and outcomes of the Arts Education & Access Fund (Arts Tax).
7:00 pm

Connection Instructions

Meeting ID: 980 4101 7240
Passcode: 256868
One tap mobile
+12532050468,,98041017240#,,,,*256868# US
+12532158782,,98041017240#,,,,*256868# US (Tacoma)


  1. Greetings/Introductions                                                               5 minutes
  2. Public Comment                                                                              5 minutes
  3. Bylaws Update                                                                               10 minutes
    1. Materials: Cover memo, updated annotated bylaws template.
    2. Outcomes: AOC to vote on final draft joint bylaws proposal and directing the chair to work with the City Bureau Liaison (Arts Manager) to submit to the Mayor with the AOC's recommendation for approval without substantive change.
    3. Meeting Preparation: Please read the materials in advance of the meeting.  We will not be reviewing the joint bylaws proposal but will discuss:
      1. Prior AOC Bylaws Guidance
        1. Independent oversight and advisory role to Mayor/Council
        2. Conforming to best oversight practices (city code, public records, advisory body standards, etc.)
      2. Work Product/Process
        Next Steps: If approved, Jenn to work with Arts Manager to secure final city approval.
  4. AOC/Public Officer Training                                                       5 minutes
    Members who have not already done so are asked to watch the following video before the AOC meeting on 13 April 2023.
    Video Title: Training for Advisory Board Volunteers – City of Portland
    ​​​​​​​Video Creator: Tony Garcia, City Attorney’s Office, run time 16:45 mins
    Video Link:
  5. AOC Appointments                                                                       10 minutes
    1. TSCC Transition/Begin Process for Appointment of TSCC Replacement
    2. AOC Members at Large
      1. Term Lengths
      2. Mutual Benefit Conversations/Continuing Service
  6. City Arts Manager Update                                                           15 minutes
    1. Outcomes: AOC receives City Arts Manager updates on:
      1. Status/Timeline of Hiring New AEAF Coordinator
      2. History of Delaying AOC Reports to Council/Filing AOC Reports
        1. Cancellation of 12 April 2023 Presentation of 20-22 reports to Council.
        2. Cancellation of 23 January 2019 Presentation of report to Council
          (the last pre-COVID report).
        3. Filing all post-2017 reports.
      3. Plan for Providing Prior Year Reports to Council
        1. Role of Consultant (if any) in summarizing report findings
          1. Scope
          2. Timeline
          3. AOC Involvement
        2. Expected timeline
      4. Plan for beginning work on 22/23 Report to Council
    2. Meeting Preparation: Please review the above list of expected updates and identify any questions/concerns/clarification requests for the Arts Manager before the meeting.
  7. AOC Work Group Interest Poll                                                   5 minutes
    1. Total number of K-5 Arts Educators funded by AEAF
    2. Average teacher salary 2023 vs. 2013
    3. Identity Element Oversight (e.g. physical mailer, email reminders, logo presence)
  8. Next Steps/Other Items                                                                5 minutes
    1. Other agenda items TBD​​​​​​​
  9. Close
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