Enhanced Services District Fee Information

Information about the Enhanced Services District fee (Property Management License Program) including payment requirements and appeals for the Enhanced Services District (ESD) fee with the City of Portland's Revenue Division.

General Information

Portland’s Enhanced Services Districts expand upon basic City services to add vibrancy, maintain cleanliness, improve safety, assist with business development, engage in marketing, and improve transportation. The districts are funded, in part, by the Property Management License fee.  Each district is independently administered. 

The Enhanced Services District fee is paid by entities who meet the following criteria for properties within a district’s boundaries, in order of importance:

  1. Financially responsible for the water service to a property,
  2. Exclusively occupy a property, or
  3. Exhibit other indicators of property management

Examples include property owners, tenants, property management services, and developers.

The entity responsible for the fee at the beginning of a license year is responsible for the entire year's assessment unless the Revenue Division approves a transfer before the second installment becomes due. Transfer requests should be reported to the Revenue Division in writing and may be approved upon the Division’s confirmation that a new entity meets the criteria listed above.  Second installment balances become the responsibility of the new entity for transfers prior to the due date.

Please refer to your service district to request services and review benefits. 

Contact the City of Portland’s Revenue Division for assistance with billing and payments only.

Assessment Appeals

Responsibility for the fee or the amount assessed may be appealed within 30 days of the date of the annual fee notice. 

  • To appeal responsibility for the fee, the appellant must clearly demonstrate why they believe they are not responsible as defined by Portland City Code 6.06.020.H.4 or 6.06.050
  • To appeal the amount of the fee, the appellant must clearly demonstrate the data or formula used to calculate the fee is incorrect in accordance with the appropriate sections of Portland City Code 6.06 for the district in which the property is located. 

The appeals deadlines for the districts are:

  • Clean and Safe District: on or around August 30
  • Lloyd District: on or around January 30
  • Central Eastside Industrial District: on or around May 30


Enhanced Services Districts Help

Roger Koppy
