Rent or own property

Information for homeowners, renters, landlords, and home buyers

News and Notices

Cesar Apartments Acquired for Permanent Supportive Housing

With PHB funding support, Home Forward has acquired the recently-constructed Cesar Apartments, a 47-unit building in Richmond, to convert into Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) for those exiting chronic homelessness. This strategy allows for new PSH to come online faster than new construction.

Blog post

The Jade to Break Ground

APANO and Gorman & Co. are bringing 40 new affordable homes to Powellhurst-Gilbert, in the heart of the Jade District. 26 units will have 2-3 bedrooms for larger families, and the project will include a community garden, play area, and more amenities.

Blog post

Q & A: Legin Commons and the Trees at 77th & Division

Legin Commons is a new 124-unit affordable housing development that just began construction at SE 77th Ave and Division St in Montavilla. In this post, PHB answers common questions about the plans for the site, the history of the site and project, and the trees currently located there.

Blog post

Tistilal Village Opens

NAYA rehabilitated 33 affordable homes, adding 24 new units, in the Portsmouth neighborhood. The project includes 16 Permanent Supportive Housing units for those exiting homelessness, and 22 2- and 3-bedroom units for families with children.

Blog post

Construction and Maintenance

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