Search the website for PUB documents
Using the below link, you can search for PUB agendas, minutes, meeting materials, and more.
Note: You can also find agendas, meeting materials, and minutes in a specific meeting's calendar event.
If you can't find a document you are looking for or want more information, please contact PUB staff at or 503-823-1810.
Additional resources
Bureau of Environmental Services
Bureau of Environmental Services, Strategic Plan, 2018-2027
Bureau of Environmental Services, Racial Equity Plan
Bureau of Environmental Services, FY 2020-21 Requested Budget, January 22, 2020
Portland Water Bureau
Portland Water Bureau, 5-Year Strategic Plan, August 2019
Portland Water Bureau, Racial Equity Plan
Portland Water Bureau, FY 2020-21 Requested Budget, January 29, 2020
Note: The City is migrating to a new website. During the migration some of the links to resources beyond the Portland Utility Board may break. If you find a broken link, let us know: or 503-823-1810.