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  • Shelters are open all day Friday, until 10 a.m. Saturday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
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Base Zones

Find the allowed uses and development standards for your zone. Get information about base zones and development standards.
On this page
A map showing the following base zones: R5a, OSc, and OSp. Text notes that upper case letters and numbers represent base zones.
Base zones are shown as a combination of capital letters and numbers on a zoning map. 

Base zones state two purposes:

  1. What uses are allowed on the property
  2. The required development standards that apply (such as maximum height and required setbacks)

There are five categories of base zones:

  1. Single-dwelling residential zones
  2. Multi-dwelling residential zones
  3. Commercial or mixed use zones
  4. Employment and industrial zones
  5. Campus institutional zones

How the property is used

A “use” is essentially how the property is used. Some uses are allowed by right, while other uses are limited or require a conditional use review. Finally, some uses are prohibited and are not allowed in the zone at all.

To determine in what zones a specific use may be located, you must first determine what land use category it is in. Use Chapter 33.920, Descriptions of the Use Categories, to classify the specific use.

For example, a clothing store is classified as a retail sales and service use and a dry cleaning shop is classified as an industrial services use.

Once you have determined the appropriate use category, review the primary use tables in the Use Categories handout or in the below base zone links to see the status of that category to determine whether the use is allowed, limited, conditional or prohibited.

If the proposed use is allowed by the base zone, you will also need to find out if the site is subject to additional uses from an Overlay ZonePlan District, or Additional Use and Development Regulations.

Development standards

Development standards are set by the zone.

Development standards regulate development on a site by the size, bulk, and location of the development.

Development standards can include maximum allowed height, setbacks, and allowed density.

First, find the zoning on your property

Search your address on PortlandMaps.com. Under the property details, you'll find the zoning.

For more detailed instructions, go to Find Zoning Regulations and Zoning Maps.

Then find the allowed uses and development standards for your zone

Review the applicable zoning code chapter and the development standards tables or documents listed below.

Summaries of development standards in the base zones

Please note: The information listed below is not a complete list of standards. For all regulations that apply to your site, please review the Zoning Map at PortlandMaps.com and the Zoning Code chapters. Refer to the Zoning Code section listed next to the standard for additional information. These standards may be superseded by the regulations of an overlay zone or plan district.

Search by zone type:

"FAR" explained

Field Area Ratio (FAR) is the measurement of a building's floor area in relation to the size of the lot/parcel that the building is located on. The following tables will refer to FAR as a development standard in our zoning code.  Learn more about FAR in our helpful brochure.

Building height

In the tables below you'll find "building height" mentioned a lot. Learn about measuring building height.

Single Dwelling zones (RF, R20, R10, R7, R5, R2.5)

Table 110-4: Summary of development standards in Single Dwelling zones

Maximum FAR

(see 33.110.210 and 33.110.265)

Maximum FAR with bonus

(see 33.110.210 and 33.110.265)

Minimum setbacks

(see 33.110.220)

Required outdoor area

(see 33.110.240)

1 total dwelling unit[1]

no limit0.4 to 10.4 to 10.4 to 10.5 to 10.7 to 1

2 total dwelling units [2]

0.5 to 10.5 to 10.5 to 10.6 to 10.8 to 1

3 total dwelling units [2]

0.6 to 1 [3]0.6 to 1 [3]0.6 to 1 [3]0.7 to 1 [3]0.9 to 1 [3]

4 or more total dwelling units

0.7 to 1 [3]0.7 to 1 [3]0.7 to 1 [3]0.8 to 1 [3]1 to 1 [3]

1 total dwelling unit

NA0.4 to 10.4 to 10.4 to 10.5 to 10.7 to 1

2 total dwelling units [2]

0.6 to 10.6 to 10.6 to 10.7 to 10.9 to 1

3 total dwelling units [2]

0.7 to 10.7 to 10.7 to 10.8 to 11 to 1

4 or more total dwelling units

0.8 to 1 [3]0.8 to 1 [3]0.8 to 1 [3]0.9 to 1 [3]1.1 to 1 [3]

Maximum height

(see 33.110.215 and 33.110.260)

30 ft.30 ft. [3]30 ft. [3]30 ft. [3]30 ft. [3]35 ft.

Front building setback

20 ft.20 ft.20 ft.15 ft.10 ft.10 ft.

Side building setback

10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.5 ft.5 ft.5 ft.

Rear building setback

10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.5 ft.5 ft.5 ft.

Garage entrance setback

18 ft.18 ft.18 ft.18 ft.18 ft.18 ft.

Maximum building coverage

(see 33.110.225)

See Table 110-5See Table 110-5See Table 110-5See Table 110-5See Table 110-5See Table 110-5

Minimum area

250 sq. ft.250 sq. ft.250 sq. ft.250 sq. ft.250 sq. ft.200 sq. ft.

Minimum dimension

12 ft. x 12 ft.12 ft. x 12 ft.12 ft. x 12 ft.12 ft. x 12 ft.12 ft. x 12 ft.10 ft. x 10 ft.

[1] Including any site with a congregate housing facility.

[2] Including accessory dwelling units.

[3] Additional FAR and height may be allowed. See 33.110.265.F.

Table 110-5: Maximum building coverage allowed in the RF through R2.5 zones
Lot SizeMaximum Building Coverage
Less than 3,000 sq. ft.50% of lot area
3,000 sq. ft. or more but less than 5,000 sq. ft.1,500 sq. ft. + 37.5% of lot area over 3,000 sq. ft.
5,000 sq. ft. or more but less than 20,000 sq. ft.2,250 sq. ft + 15% of lot area over 5,000 sq. ft.
20,000 sq. ft. or more4,500 sq. ft. + 7.5% of lot area over 20,000 sq. ft.

Multi-dwelling zones (RM1, RM2, RM3, RM4, RX, RMP)

Table 120-4: Summary of development standards in Multi-dwelling zones
Step-down height (see 33.120.215.B.2)
Minimum setbacks (see 33.120.220)
Maximum setbacks (see 33.120.220)
Maximum FAR (see 33.120.210)FAR of 1 to 1FAR of 1.5 to 1FAR of 2 to 1FAR of 4 to 1 or 3 to 1FAR of 4 to 1NA
Maximum density (see 33.120.212)NoneNoneNoneNoneNone1 unit per 1,500 sq. ft. of site area
Maximum density with affordable housing bonus (see 33.120.212.C)NANANANANA1 unit per 1,000 sq. ft. of site area
Minimum density (see 33.120.213)1 unit per 2,500 sq. ft. of site area1 unit per 1,450 sq. ft. of site area1 unit per 1,000 sq. ft. of site area1 unit per 1,000 sq. ft. of site area1 unit per 500 sq. ft. of site area1 unit per 1,875 sq. ft. of site area
Base height (see 33.120.215)35 ft.45 ft.65 ft.75 or 100 ft.100 ft.35 ft.

Within 25 ft. of lot line abutting RF - R2.5 zones

35 ft.35 ft.35 ft.35 ft.35 ft.35 ft.

Within 15 ft. of lot line across a local service street from RF - R2.5 Zones

35 ft.45 ft.45 ft.45 ft.45 ft.35 ft.

Front building setback

10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.5 ft.0 ft.10 ft.

Side and rear building setback

5 ft. [1]5 ft. [1]5 or 10 ft. [1]5 or 10 ft. [1]0 ft. [1]10 ft. [1]

Garage entrance setback

18 ft.5 or 18 ft.5 or 18 ft.5 or 18 ft.5 or 18 ft.18 ft.

Transit Street or Pedestrian District

20 ft.20 ft.20 ft.10 ft.10 ft.NA
Maximum building coverage (see 33.120.225)50% of site area60 or 70% of site area85% of site area85% of site area100% of site area50% of site area
Maximum building length (see 33.120 230)YesYesNoNoNoYes
Minimum landscaped area (see 33.120.235)30% of site area20% of site area15% of site area15% of site areaNone30% of site area
Required outdoor areas (see 33.120.235)YesYesYesYesNoSee 33.251

[1] See 33.120.220.B.2 for Eastern Pattern Area special rear building setback

Table 120-6: Summary of Bonus FAR
Overall maximum per site [1]
Increment of additional FAR per bonus

Maximum FAR with deeper housing affordability bonus (See 33.120.211.C.2)

2 to 13 to 14 to 17 to 1 or 6 to 1[3]

Maximum FAR with other bonuses [2]

1.5 to 12.5 to 13 to 16 to 1 or 4.5 to 1[3]

Inclusionary Housing (see 33.120.211.C.1)

0.5 to 10.75 to 11 to 12 to 1 or 1.5 to 1[3]

Deeper Housing Affordability (see 33.120.211.C.2)

1 to 11.5 to 12 to 13 to 1

Three-Bedroom Units (see 33.120.211.C.3)

0.25 to 10.4 to 10.5 to 11 to 1 or 0.75 to 1[3]

Visitable Units (see 33.120.211.C.4)

0.25 to 10.4 to 10.5 to 11 to 1 or 0.75 to 1[3]

[1] Overall maximum FAR includes FAR received from a transfer.

[2] Other bonuses are the Inclusionary Housing, Three-Bedroom Units, and Visitable Units bonuses.

[3] The lower FAR applies in the RM4 zone in Historic and Conservation districts.

Commercial / Mixed Use zones (CR, CM1, CM2, CM3, CE, and CX)

  • Generally developed with commercial uses. Some of the zones encourage commercial areas that serve the surrounding neighborhoods, while other zones serve a larger, often regional, market.
  • Zoning Code Chapter 33.130 Commercial Mixed Use Zones
Table 130-2: Summary of the development standards in the Commercial / Mixed Use zones
Step-down height (see 33.130.210.B.2)
Minimum building setbacks (see 33.130.215.B)
Minimum building setbacks (see 33.130.215.B)
Maximum building setbacks (see 33.130.215.C)
Maximum building coverage (% of site area)
Maximum FAR (see 33.130.205 and 33.130.212)1 to 1 [1]1.5 to 12.5 to 13 to 12.5 to 14 to 1

Bonus FAR (see 33.130.212)

NASee Table 130-3
Minimum density (see 33.130.207)NANA1 unit per 1,450 sq. ft. of site area1 unit per 1,000 sq. ft. of site areaNANA
Base height (see 33.130.210.B.1)30 ft.35 ft.45 ft.65 ft.45 ft.75 ft.

Within 25 ft. of lot line abutting RF - R2.5 zones

NANA35 ft.35 ft.35 ft.35 ft.

Within 25 ft. of lot line abutting RM1 and RMP Zones

NANA45 ft.45 ft.45 ft.45 ft.

Within 15 ft. of lot line across a local service street from RF - R2.5 zones and RM1 and RMP zones

NANA45 ft.45 ft.45 ft.45 ft.

Bonus Height (see 33.130.212)

NANASee Table 130-3

Street lot line


Street lot line abutting selected Civic Corridors

10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.

Street lot line across a local street from an RF - RM2 or RMP zone

NoneNone5 or 10 ft.5 or 10 ft.5 or 10 ft.5 or 10 ft.

Lot line abutting OS, RX, C, E, or I zoned lot


Lot line abutting RF - RM4, RMP, or IR zoned lot

10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.

Street lot line

10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.10 ft.

Street lot line abutting selected Civic Corridors

20 ft.20 ft.20 ft.20 ft.20 ft.20 ft.

Inner Pattern Area


Eastern, Western, and River Pattern Areas (see 33.130.220)

Minimum landscaped area (% of site area) (see 33.130.225)15%15%15%15%15%15%
Landscape buffer abutting an RF - RM4 or RMP zoned Lot (see 33.130.215.B)10 ft. @ L310 ft. @ L310 ft. @ L310 ft. @ L310 ft. @ L310 ft. @ L3
Required residential outdoor area (see 33.130.228)YesYesYesYesYesNo
Ground floor window standards (see 33.130.230.B)YesYesYesYesYesYes

[1] On sites that do not have a Retail Sales and Service or Office use, the maximum density for household living is 1 unit per 2,500 square feet of site area.

Table 130-3: Summary of bonus FAR and height
Overall maximums per zone
Increment of additional FAR and height per bonus
Inclusionary housing (see 33.130.212.C)
Affordable commercial space (see 33.130.212.D)
Planned development (see 33.130.212.E)
Maximum FAR with bonus2.5 to 14 to 15 to 14 to 16 to 1
Maximum height with bonus35 ft.

55 ft. [1]

75 ft. [2]

75 ft.

120 ft. [2]

45 ft.

85 ft.

120 ft. [2]


1 to 11.5 to 12 to 11 to 12 to 1


None10 ft.10 ft.None10 ft.


0.5 to 10.75 to 11 to 10.5 to 11 to 1


None10 ft.10 ft.None10 ft.


None1.5 to 12 to 11.5 to 12 to 1


Noneup to 30 ft.up to 55 ft.up to 30 ft.up to 45 ft.

[1] Bonus height in the CM2 zone is only allowed on sites that are within a Historic District, Conservation District, or the Design Overlay Zone and that have a Comprehensive Plan Map designation of Mixed Use–Urban Center or Mixed Use–Civic Corridor. Bonus height on a site where a Historic or Conservation Landmark or a contributing structure in a Historic or Conservation District has been demolished within the past ten years is prohibited unless the landmark or contributing structure was destroyed by fire or other causes beyond the control of the owner or the only structure on the site that was demolished was an accessory structure.

[2] This larger overall maximum is only allowed through the Planned Development bonus option and required Planned Development Review.

Employment and Industrial zones (EG1, EG2, EX, IG1, IG2, and IH)

Table 140-2: Summary of the development standards in the Employment and Industrial zones
Minimum building setbacks (see 33.140.215)
Maximum building setbacks (see 33.140.215)
Maximum FAR (see 33.140.205)3 to 13 to 13 to 1No limitNo limitNo limit
Maximum FAR with inclusionary housing bonus (see 33.140.205.C)NANA5 to 1NANANA
Maximum height (see 33.140.210)45 ft.No limit65 ft.No limitNo limitNo limit

Street lot lines

5 ft.25 ft.0025 ft.5 ft.

Lot line abutting an OS, C, E, or I zoned lot


Lot line abutting an R zoned lot

See Table 140-315 ft.See Table 140-3See Table 140-315 ft.15 ft.

Transit street or pedestrian district

10 ft.None10 ft.NoneNoneNone
Maximum building coverage (see 33.140.220)85% of site area85% of site area100% of site area100% of site area85% of site area100% of site area
Minimum landscaped area15% of site area15% of site areaNoneNone15% of site areaNone
Ground floor window standards apply (see 33.140.230)NoNoYesNoNoNo
Pedestrian standards apply (see 33.140.240)YesYesYesNoNoNo
Table 140-3: Minimum building setbacks and minimum landscape buffer from Residential zone lot lines [1]
ZoneHeight of the
building wall
Lots abutting a side lot line
of an R zoned lot
Lots abutting a rear lot line
of an R zoned lot
EG1, EX, IG115 ft. or less5 ft. / 5 ft. @ L30 / none
16 or more10 ft. / 5 ft. @ L310 ft. / 5 ft. @ L3
EG2, IG2, IHAny height15 ft. / 10 ft. @ L315 ft. / 10 ft. @ L3

[1] Does not apply to lot lines that abut lots in the RX zone. See 33.140.215.B.

Table 140-4: Exterior development setbacks and landscaping [1]
Exterior Display    
Abutting a street5 ft. / L110 ft. / L1Not allowed5 ft. / L1
Abutting a C, E, I, CI or IR zone lot00Not allowed0
Abutting an R or OS zone lot5 ft. / L310 ft. / L3Not allowed10 ft. / L3
Exterior Storage    
Abutting a street [2] [3]5 ft. / L3, or
5 ft./ F2 + L2
25 ft. / L3, or
25 ft. / F2 + L2
Not allowed5 ft. / L3, or
5 ft./ F2 + L2
Abutting a C, E, I, CI or IR zone lot0 / F10 / F1Not allowed0
Abutting an R or OS zone lot5 ft. / L4, or
10 ft. / L3
10 ft. / L4, or
25 ft. / L3
Not allowed10 ft. / L4, or
25 ft. / L3
Exterior work activities    
Activities abutting a street [2] [3]Not allowed in EG1;
5 ft. / L3, or
5 ft./ F2 + L2 in IG1
Not allowed in EG2;
25 ft. / L3, or
25 ft. / F2 + L2 in IG2
Not allowed5 ft. / L3, or
5 ft./ F2 + L2
Abutting a C, E, I, CI or IR zone lotNot allowed in EG1;
0 / F1 in IG1
Not allowed in EG2;
0 / F1 in IG2
Not allowed0
Abutting an R zone lotNot allowed in EG1;
5 ft. / L4, or 10 ft. / L3 in IG1
Not allowed in EG2;
25 ft. / L3 or
25 ft. / F2 + L2 in IG2
Not allowed25 ft. / L3

[1] The development standards first state the required setback, then the required landscaping standard.

[2] If parking areas are placed between exterior storage areas and the street, an F2 screen only is required on the edge of the storage area.

[3] When the F2 + L2 option is used, the fence must be placed along the interior side of the landscaped area.

Campus Institutional Zones (IR, CI1, CI2)

Table 150-2: Summary of Development Standards in Campus Institutional Zones
Maximum FAR [1] (see 33.150.205)0.5 to 13 to 1 [2][3]2 to 1
Maximum FAR with Inclusionary Housing Bonus [1] (see 33.150.205.C)NA3.75 to 1 [2] [3]NA
Maximum Height (see 33.150.210)75 ft. [4]150 ft. [4]75 ft.
Minimum Building Setbacks [1] (see 33.150.215):
- Lot line abutting or across the street from an OS, RF-R2.5 zoned lot15 ft.10 ft.1 ft. for every 2 ft. of building height but not less than 10 ft.
- Lot line abutting or across the street from an RM1-RMP, IR zoned lot10 ft.10 ft.
- Lot line abutting or across the street from a C, CI, E, or I zoned lot0 ft.0 ft.
Maximum Building Setbacks Street Lot Line, Transit Street or Pedestrian District [5] (See 33.150.215)None10 ft.10 ft.
Maximum Building Coverage [1] (see 33.150.225)50% of site area85% of site area70% of site area
Maximum Building Length [1] (see 33.150.235 and 33.150.255)200 ft.200 ft.None
Minimum Landscaped Area (see 33.150.240)25% of site area15% of site area20% of site area
Landscaping Abutting an R zoned lot (see 33.150.240.C)10 ft. @ L35 ft. @ L310 ft. @L3
Landscaping across the street from an R zoned lot (see 33.150.240.C)10 ft. @ L15 ft. @ L110 ft. @L1
Building Facade Articulation [1] (see 33.150.255)NoYesNo
Ground Floor Window Standards [1] (see 33.150.250)NoYesYes
Transit Street Main Entrance [1] (See 33.150.265)NoYesNo

[1] For Colleges and Medical Centers, the entire CI zone is treated as one site regardless of ownership. In this case, FAR is calculated based on the total square footage of the parcels within the zone rather than for each individual parcel, and setbacks, building length, facade articulation, ground floor windows and transit street main entrance regulations are measured from, or only apply to, the perimeter of the zone.

[2] Maximum FAR within the Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital and Health Center campus boundary shown on Map 150-3 is 3.7 to 1, and is 4.5 to 1 with inclusionary housing bonus.

[3] Maximum FAR within the PCC Sylvania campus boundary shown on Map 150-5 is .75 to 1, and is 1 to 1 with inclusionary housing bonus.

[4] Heights reduced on sites that are across the street from, or adjacent to, certain zones. See 33.150.210.C.

[5] For frontages where the maximum building setback applies, there is no minimum setback.

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