Lot Confirmation Applications

Verify a lot can be developed with the City of Portland. Learn more about lot confirmations and get all required forms for a lot confirmation application.
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A lot confirmation is an administrative review that verifies one or more lots, lot remnants, adjusted lots or lots of record, or combination thereof, have legal status as a property that is eligible for development under the zoning code. A lot confirmation is often undertaken to confirm lots or lots of record that have previously been combined for tax purposes.

The review also ensures that existing development remains in conformance or does not move further out of conformance with Title 33 development standards, and that all previous land use conditions of approval are met. Lot confirmations may be combined with a Property Line Adjustment to re-establish a historic lot line then move it.

Application Requirements

Zoning Code Section 33.676.200

The application for a Lot Confirmation must contain the following:

  • Lot Confirmation Request Form - completed and signed by the applicant.
  • Documentation that establishes when and how the lot was created.
    • This may include copies of recorded plats, historic deeds, or other documentation that provides evidence of the creation and chain of ownership of the property.
    • In residential base zones, documentation of ownership of abutting lots may also be required.
  • A site plan no larger than 18 inches by 24 inches in size for all applications.
  • The location of existing lot or property lines;
  • The boundaries of the re-established lot, lot of record, or combinations thereof;
  • All development on the site including driveways and parking areas;
  • The location of utilities and services; and
  • The location and dimensions of existing curb cuts abutting the site.
  • If existing buildings on the site will remain after the lot confirmation, a supplemental survey signed and stamped by a registered land surveyor is also required.
    • The survey must show the distances between the buildings on the lot and the property line that is being confirmed.


  • Fees: We will contact you about payment of fees once we review your submission.
  • You can also search the Land Use Services fee schedule for "lot confirmation" under "Other Land Use Services" to view current fees:  
  • Additional information may be requested during the review.

Visit Planning Services for instructions on how to submit your application.


Zoning Code Section 33.676.300

A Lot Confirmation must address the following standards:

  • Lot or lot of record - Each lot or lot of record that will be confirmed meets the definition of lot, adjusted lot, lot remnant or lot of record. Find lot related definitions in Chapter 33.910, Definitions.
  • Minimum lot dimension standards – The following lot dimensions standards must be met without necessitating a Property Line Adjustment:
  1. In the OS, C, EX, CI and IR zones, each lot must have a front lot line that is at least 10 feet long. There are no other minimum lot dimension standards.
  2. In the single-dwelling zones, each lot must have frontage on a street, and each lot must meet the standards of 33.110.202, When Primary Structures are Allowed.
  3. In the multi-dwelling zones, each lot must have frontage on a street, and each lot must meet the standards of Section 33.120.205, Development on Lots and Lots of Record.
  4. In the EG zones, each lot must meet Standard B stated in Table 614-1.
  5. In the I zones, each lot must meet Standard B stated in Table 615-1.
  6. If the lot is in an overlay zone or plan district that regulates minimum lot dimensions, the minimum lot dimension standards of the overlay zone or plan district must be met instead of the standard that corresponds to the base zone.
  • Development standards - Existing development must remain in conformance or not move further out of conformance with the development standards of the Zoning Code. An adjustment to the development standards in question or a Property Line Adjustment can be requested to ensure that the site does not move out of conformance with development standards.
  • Conditions of previous land use reviews – All applicable conditions of previous land use reviews must be met.

Review Process

Lot confirmations are reviewed through an administrative procedure that generally takes between six to eight weeks to complete. The Water Bureau and Bureau of Environmental Services review Lot Confirmations for impacts on water, sanitary sewer and stormwater management services, but only make informational comments about potential future development issues.

A Lot Confirmation approval must be submitted to the appropriate county assessment and taxation office within 90 days of the City’s decision. The County is responsible for creating separate tax identification numbers for each confirmed lot.

Multnomah County Deed Information 


General Inquiries

Portland Permitting & Development
phone number503-823-7300Our front desk team will be available to answer Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please leave a message if you call outside of those hours.
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