Read about zoning map amendments, zoning map errors and changing zone boundaries. Apply for a land use review or a zoning correction.
Zoning map amendments
Zoning Map Amendments in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Map designation may be approved if adequate public services are capable of supporting the uses allowed by the zone or will be capable by the time the development is complete. Comprehensive Plan Map designations will be shown in parenthesis on the official zoning maps.
The zoning map amendment process allows the City to assess the adequacy of services including water supply, transportation system structure and capacity, police and fire protection, and sanitary waste disposal and stormwater disposal systems.
In order to determine if adequate public services are available for the uses allowed by the proposed zone, you should contact the appropriate city service agency as identified in the Zoning Map Amendments. Also review:
Zoning map amendments in West Portland Multicultural Town Center
The West Portland Town Center Plan District prohibits initiating a quasi-judicial zoning map amendment to rezone a site from a single-dwelling or multi-dwelling base zone to any multi-dwelling or commercial mixed-use base zone. This will be allowed when the Bureau of Environmental Services and Bureau of Transportation confirm that a stormwater disposal system plan is integrated with the transportation system plan for the site area and either shows the site can be served with existing services or by system improvements called for in the plan.
For details, visit the City Code Plan District regulations for West Portland Multicultural Center (PCC 33.595.040).
At this time, no stormwater disposal system plan exists for the site area and therefore, an application for a Zoning Map Amendment cannot be submitted.
As of Spring 2023, BES is in the process of developing a scope and schedule for the WPTC Systems Development Plan, with anticipated completion sometime in 2026.
Comprehensive plan map amendments
The Comprehensive Plan is adopted by the City Council and includes Goals, Policies, Objectives and a Plan Map which guide the future development and redevelopment of the City. Portland’s Comprehensive Plan also demonstrates how the City complies with State and Regional land use planning requirements.
If the desired zone is shown in parenthesis on the official zoning maps, only a Zoning Map Amendment is required.
If a zone change is to a zone not identified in parenthesis on the official zoning maps, then a comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment are both required to change the zone. Both of these reviews must be submitted concurrently.
Zoning map error correction
To change the zoning line on a property that has been placed incorrectly, request a Zoning Map Error Correction review. Zoning Map Error Corrections may be requested for situations where a map line is not placed where it was intended to go (such as along the centerline of a creek), or where there is a clear legislative intent for where the line should be located. These and other situations where a map error correction request may be made are outlined in section 33.855.070 of the Zoning Code.
Changes to zone boundaries
Modification of environmental zone boundaries that reflect permitted changes in the location or quality of resource areas may be allowed if approval criteria are met. Minor modifications to environmental zone boundaries may also be requested based on a detailed site specific environmental study. See section 33.430.250 in Chapter 33.430.
Zoning changes procedure
Requests for Zoning Map Amendments and Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments are processed through a Type III procedure. The final decision for Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments is made by City Council. A Pre-Application Conference is required prior to submittal.
Application forms
- Complete this application form to apply for a Zoning Map Amendment or Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment:
- Use this list to identify submittal requirements:
- A pre-application conference is required for all Type III Land Use Reviews:
- Sign this form within 21 days of application date to allow submittal of new information if a Type III decision is appealed:
- Complete this form to request that Portland Permitting & Development initiate a map error correction on your property:
More information about zoning changes
- Address approval criteria for your Zoning Map Amendment application:
- Address applicable neighborhood and community plans for your Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment: Community, Area and Neighborhood Plans
- Address the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies as part of your Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment review Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies
- Summarizes all procedure types:
- Outline of timeline for Type II Procedures:
- Outline of timeline for Type III Procedures:
Land use fees information
Review the Land Use Services Fees Schedule and the Unincorporated Multnomah County Land Use Fees Schedule.
Still need help?
If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, please schedule a free 15-minute appointment with a city planner or set up an Early Assistance meeting for a deeper discussion.