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Get information about replats in City of Portland. Remove, change or reconfigure lot lines. Move parcel lines and property lines, erase lot lines, combine lots and consolidate lots.
On this page

A Replat is used to remove or reconfigure lot lines within a site to combine into no more than three lots. The boundary of the site must follow existing lot lines. New lot lines cannot be created through this process, but they can be moved. This process is commonly used to reconfigure existing lots to provide new building sites, while retaining existing structures.

A replat can not be used to a create a flag lot or to make a buildable lot from an unbuildable lot remnant or lot of record. Review the related page about Lot Confirmations to determine if your existing lots are considered buildable. 

Steps for review

  1. Submit application Replats are processed through the Type Ix Land Use review process (outlined on the Land Use Review Procedures webpage) . Technical review of the Plat is required and may require revisions.
  2. Submit plat to the County Surveyor It is recommended that the applicant submit the plat to the County Surveyor to be reviewed at the same time as the City. Revisions may be required by the County. Contact Multnomah County for its process and fees at 503-988-3600.
  3. Replat approval Once all City departments are satisfied with the Replat, the applicant must submit plat mylars to be approved and signed by the City. The applicant will be notified via email when the signed mylars are sent to the County Surveyor. The applicant is responsible for obtaining approval signatures from the County Surveyor.
  4. Recording Once the plat has been approved and signed by all required officials in the City and County, the plat must be recorded with the County. The plat must be submitted for recording within 90 days of approval.

Application requirements

Zoning Code Section 33.675.200

Visit Land Use and Final Plat Applications for instructions on how to apply for a Land Use Review. An application for a replat must include all the following:

  • Completed Land Use Review Application form signed by all owners: 
  • Survey of the site stamped and signed by a registered land surveyor, showing all existing property lines and the location, dimensions and setbacks from property lines for all structures and other improvements and utilities on the site
  • Final Partition Plat showing the reconfigured lot or lots
  • Written narrative explaining how the regulations and approval criteria of the Replat chapter are met
  • Title report verifying ownership and detailing any deed restrictions
  • Documentation of legal lot status, if applicable. This typically requires a deed recorded prior to July 26, 1979 if lots are not fully intact as originally platted
  • Review the Land Use Services Fees Schedule.

Replat approval criteria

Zoning Code Section 33.675.300

A Replat must address the following approval criteria:

  • Lots – The replatted lots must meet the standards of 33.605 to 33.615 or available exceptions.
  • Development Standards Existing development must remain in conformance or not move further out of conformance with the development standards of the Zoning Code after the replat.
  • Conditions of Approval - Prior conditions of land use approvals continue to apply and must be met. If applicable, prior land division conditions may be eliminated through the review.
  • Services - Availability of services must not be eliminated and services must not be out of conformance with City requirements for water, sanitary sewage disposal, and stormwater management.

Plat requirements

General requirements

  1. Provide signature blocks for City of Portland Planning Director’s delegate and the City Engineer’s delegate.
  2. The plat must include the following note: “This plat is subject to the conditions of the City of Portland case file No. LU __________”
  3. Replats are processed as a Partition Plat. The reconfigured lots must be labeled as parcels.

Easement requirements

  1. Existing and proposed easements must be shown.
  2. Easements must be labeled and identified.
  • The width of the easement, its length, bearing, and sufficient ties to locate the easement with respect to the lot consolidation shall be shown.
  • Easements shall be clearly identified as to intended purpose, and as public or private.
  • Book and page numbers shall be provided for any easement of record.

Standard survey requirements

  1. Date, north arrow, scale, streets, sufficient descriptions which define the location of the site, and boundaries of the site.
  • Scale must range from 1 inch = 20 feet (small tracts) to 1 inch = 50 feet (larger tracts).
  1. Parcel boundary lines, bordering street rights-of-way and centerlines with dimensions, bearings or deflection angles, radii arcs, points of curvature, and tangent bearings.
  2. Recording number of existing surveys which are identified, related to the map by distances and bearings, and related to a field book or map by any of the following:
  • Stakes, monuments, or evidence found on the ground and used to determine the boundaries of the partition plat.
  • Corners of adjoining subdivisions/plats.
  • Other monuments found or established in making the survey or required to be set by law.
  1. A written narrative, which explains the purpose of the survey, and how the boundary lines and other lines were established or reestablished. State which deed records, deed elements, survey records, found survey monuments, plat records, road records, or any other pertinent data were controlling when the lines were established or reestablished.
  2. The final plat mylars must comply with all standards for polyester film plats required by the appropriate County Surveyor.
  3. The plat must meet all City, County, and State requirements.

Still need help?

If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, please schedule a free 15-minute appointment with a city planner or set up an Early Assistance meeting for a deeper discussion.

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