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Planned Development Reviews

Planned Developments are intended to allow for creative development while assuring that development will complement the existing neighborhood character. Read more about planned development reviews and get the land use review application, the early assistance application and other forms online.
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Planned developments provide a master planning mechanism for allowing additional housing types and uses, the transfer of density and floor area, and increased height and floor area on large sites in Commercial/Mixed Use zones. The resulting development is intended to configure the site and development to visually integrate both the natural and built features of the site and the surrounding area. Regulations are found in Portland Zoning Code 33.270 Planned Development and 33.854 Planned Development Review. The approval criteria for Planned Development Reviews are located in Zoning Code chapter 33.854.

The Portland Zoning Code includes three options for Planned Development Reviews and how those reviews relate to other regulations, including an Additional Development and Use option, a Planned Development Bonus option and a Planned Development option associated with a Land Division Review.

Additional Development and Use options for a Planned Development Review

Applicants can propose to transfer development within a site, propose alternative housing types and lot dimensions (if not allowed outright through the base zone), modify site-related development standards, propose commercial uses in residential zones and transfer development between sites. Generally, a Planned Development does not increase the allowable number of dwelling units on a site but allows alternative housing types to be considered or development to be spread across a site.

In Single-Dwelling zones, additional development types that may be requested include:

  • Attached houses
  • Duplexes
  • Attached duplexes
  • Triplexes
  • Fourplexes
  • Multi-dwelling structures
  • Multi-dwelling development

Examples of proposals that include alternative development options:

  • Developing multi-dwelling structures or development on one lot in a single-dwelling zone and modify certain development standards
  • Including a small retail component in a new residential development located in a zone that doesn’t allow commercial development
  • Proposing to transfer development potential on a split-zoned site to equalize density throughout the site

Planned Development Bonus review

Applicants with larger sites in CM2, CM3, CE, and CX zones outside of the Central City and Gateway plan districts may propose additional FAR and height in exchange for the provision of affordable housing, public open space, low carbon buildings and a public review process.

An example of a proposal that involves a Planned Development Bonus review: Developing a 75-foot tall energy efficient building on 2-acre site in the CM2 zone with a public plaza and affordable housing.

Land division reviews and Planned Development Review

Applicants can propose lots that do not meet the minimum lot dimension standards in the RF through RM4 zones. Some Planned Developments require a concurrent Land Division Review in order to create new lots, rights-of-way or place site area within a tract.

Examples of proposals in conjunction of a Land Division Review:

  • Creating small or narrow lots that do not meet minimum lot size or dimensional requirements in Single-Dwelling Zones
  • Modifying development standards for newly created lots, such as setbacks or building coverage
  • Altering housing types, such as multi-dwelling development in a single-dwelling zone, and creating a separate tract for an environmental resource area or floodway

Review Procedures, Additional Requirements and Supplemental Application Requirements

  • Proposals that are using the Commercial/Mixed Use zones Planned Development bonus are processed through a Type III procedure. Additional requirements for Planned Developments in the Commercial/Mixed Use zones are found in 33.270.210. Supplemental Application Requirements are found in 33.854.250.A.
  • Other Planned Development Reviews are processed through either a Type IIx or Type III procedure depending on a number of factors such as housing type, number of units and hazard designations. See 33.854.200.C for details. Supplemental Application Requirements are found in 33.854.250.B.
  • To modify an approved Planned Development a Type IIx or Type III review will be required. See Chapter 33.854.
  • Pre-application conferences are required for Type III Planned Developments.

Planned Development Review applications and important forms

Visit Apply for Land Use Reviews and Final Plat Applications for instructions on how to apply for a Land Use Review. Completing these steps is required prior to submitting an application for some land divisions: Neighborhood Contact

Complete this application to apply:

A pre-application conference is required for all Type III land use reviews. Optional pre-application conferences are also available to discuss other projects. You may also request an optional appointment to discuss your land division:

Sign this form within 21 days of application date to allow submittal of new information if a Type III decision is appealed:

Important information about land use reviews

Summarizes all land use procedure types:

Outline of timeline for Type IIx Procedures:

 Outline of timeline for Type III Procedures:

Density and lot dimension requirement information

Fee information for Planned Development Reviews 

Review the Land Use Services Fees Schedule and the Unincorporated Multnomah County Land Use Fees Schedule.

Still need help?

If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, please schedule a free 15-minute appointment with a city planner or set up an Early Assistance meeting for a deeper discussion.

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