A conditional use master plan is a plan for the future development of a use that is subject to the conditional use regulations. An approved master plan is intended to ensure that you will be allowed to develop in a manner consistent with the approved plan.
The master plan must include proposed uses and possible future uses that might be proposed for at least 3 years and up to 10 years. An approved master plan remains in effect until development allowed by the plan has been completed or the plan is amended or superseded.
Master plans may be completed at varying levels of detail. Generally, the more specific the plan, the less review that will be required as the future uses and developments are built.
Impact mitigation plans
Impact mitigation plans are an alternative review to the conditional use master plan process for large institutional uses, often in the IR zone. The regulations are addressed in Chapter 33.848 of the Zoning Code.
Central City master plans
Central City master plans are intended to add development potential and flexibility for projects in specified areas of the Central City plan district. The regulations are addressed in a section within the plan district chapter (33.510.255).
Gateway master plans
Gateway master plans are intended to add development potential and flexibility for projects in specified areas of the Gateway Plan District. The regulations are addressed in a section within the plan district chapter (33.526.330), as well as within the chapter specific to the review (33.833).
Portland International Raceway (PIR) master plans
Portland International Raceway master plans are required for most development within the Portland International Raceway Plan District. The regulations are addressed in Chapter 33.566 of the zoning code.
Master plan procedures
All conditional use master plans are processed through a Type III procedure. Amendments to an existing master plan may be processed either through a Type II or Type III procedure.
Conditional use master plans and mitigation applications and forms
Visit Land Use and Final Plat Applications for instructions on how to apply for a Land Use Review.
Complete this application form to apply:
Use this list to identify submittal requirements:
A pre-application conference is required for all Type III Land Use Reviews:
Sign this form within 21 days of application date to allow submittal of new information if a Type III decision is appealed:
Conditional use master plans and mitigation important information
Information on Conditional Use Master Plan including when it is required, what the components are and what the approval criteria are:
Summarizes all procedure types:
Outline of timeline for Type III Procedures:
Conditional use master plans and mitigation fees
Review the Land Use Services Fees Schedule and the Unincorporated Multnomah County Land Use Fees Schedule.
Title 33 Portland Zoning Code
Review related webpages for more information about:
- 33.510 Central City Plan District
- 33.526 Gateway Plan District
- 33.566 Portland International Raceway Plan District
- 33.815 Conditional Uses
- 33.820 Conditional Use Master Plans
- 33.833 Gateway Master Plan Review
- 33.848 Impact Mitigation Plans
Still need help?
If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, please schedule a free 15-minute appointment with a city planner or set up an Early Assistance meeting for a deeper discussion.