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Final Plat Reviews

Learn more about the steps involved in a final plat review as part of the land division process.
On this page

Approval of the preliminary plan through a land use review is the first step of the land division process. To complete the process, the applicant must submit a final plat application for review and approval. This applies to both standard land divisions and middle housing land divisions. The final plat shows the final surveyed layout of the land division including all lots, tracts, easements and rights-of-way. Information documenting compliance with all City requirements and conditions of approval is reviewed with the final plat. The plat and supplemental surveys are also reviewed to ensure it matched the approved site plan. The final plat review is an administrative review.

Steps for review of final plats

  1. Submit final plat application: An application for final plat review must be submitted to the City.
  2. Submit final plat to County Surveyor: It is recommended that the final plat be submitted to the County Surveyor to be reviewed concurrently with the City. Revisions may be required by the County. Visit the Multnomah County Surveyor's website or call 503-988-3600 for information related to the County's process and fees.
  3. Final plat review and approval: Revision and resubmittal may be required. Once all City departments are satisfied with the final plat, the final plat mylars must be submitted for approval and signatures. The City approved mylars will be sent to the County Surveyor.
  4. Recording: After the final plat is signed by required officials from the City and County, the plat and other legal documents (such as maintenance agreements) must be recorded with the County. The final plat must be submitted for recording within 90 days of City approval. Once recorded, the new lots are legally created.

Final plat review timeline

Standard land division: The final plat application must be submitted within three years of the preliminary plan approval. Approximately three additional years are provided to complete the review process.

Middle Housing Land Division: The final plat must be submitted, reviewed and approved within three years of the preliminary plan approval. It is recommended that the final plat application be submitted well before the three-year deadline.

Final plat reviews for all land divisions must also meet requirements to show progress toward meeting requirements at least every 180 days or the application will become void.

Final plat submittal requirements

All final plat applications must include:

  • Completed application form
  • Filing fees
  • Final plat survey
  • Title report
  • Supplemental plan showing how conditions of approval are met (if required)
  • Documentation of compliance with all conditions of approval, including supporting documents or drawings
  • Maintenance Agreements for private tracts and easements (Contact the planner assigned to the preliminary land division review to obtain standard legal document templates to submit with your application.)
  • Documentation of submittal of all service bureau requirements, including any required public works permits and performance guarantees

Middle housing land division applications must include an as-built survey showing building footprints and any building projections with distances to proposed lot lines, and the location of underground services in relation to any tracts and easements

Final plat approval standards

See Portland City Code 33.673.200 for detailed code requirements.

  1. Conformance with preliminary plan: The final plat must conform to the approved preliminary plan and all standards and conditions of approval must continue to be met. Minor variations within set limits are allowed (see 33.673.200.A). Variations beyond those allowed outright, require a land use review process as stated in the relevant review chapter (33.660, 33.662 or 33.671).
  2. Conditions of approval: The applicant must demonstrate compliance with all relevant conditions of approval.
  3. Services: All services must meet the requirements of the City Code.
  4. Dedications, tracts, and easements: Must be shown on the plat in conformance with the preliminary approval and meet ownership and maintenance requirements in 33.636, Tracts and Easements.
  5. Survey for middle housing land divisions: The as-built survey must show that the structures and services are constructed in conformance with the preliminary plan and meet requirements in relation to property lines and any easements and tracts.
  6. Sureties: Any required performance or improvement guarantees must be provided and accepted by the responsible City bureau.
  7. Legal documents: Any required maintenance agreements or other legal documents must be reviewed and approved by PP&D. Contact the planner assigned to the preliminary land division review to obtain standard legal document templates to submit with your application.

Final plat application and information 

Visit Apply for Land Use Reviews and Final Plat Applications for instructions on how to apply for a Final Plat Review.

Complete this form to apply:

Fee information

Review the Land Use Services Fees Schedule and the Unincorporated Multnomah County Land Use Fees Schedule.

Still need help?

If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, please schedule a free 15-minute appointment with a city planner or set up an Early Assistance meeting for a deeper discussion.

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