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Cascade Station/Portland International Center Plan District Traffic Impact

Learn more about the Cascade Station/Portland International Center Plan District Traffic Impact Analysis. Get a land use review application and read more about land use services fees.
On this page

These reviews are required to evaluate traffic impacts resulting from development that occurs beyond certain thresholds that are identified in the plan district.

Type II procedure 

CS/PIC Plan District Traffic Impact Analysis reviews are processed through a Type II procedure.

  • Pre-Application Conference - Optional unless it is a specific requirement of a review.
  • Completeness - Staff notifies applicant of any missing information or materials within 14 days of submittal.
  • Public Notice - Upon receipt of a complete application, public notice is mailed to all property owners within 150 feet and to the recognized organizations within 400 feet of the site. At least 21 days are allowed for public comment.
  • Decision - Made administratively by staff within 28 days after the application is determined to be complete.
  • Appeal - To local hearings bodies, such as the Adjustment Committee or the Hearings Officer, depending on the land use review.

For more information about the land use and zoning regulations that apply to your site, please call Planning and Zoning.

Applications and forms 

Visit Land Use and Final Plat Applications for instructions on how to apply for a Land Use Review.

Complete this application form to apply:

Summarizes all procedure types: 

Outline of timeline for Type II Procedures: 

Information about land use services fees

Review the Land Use Services Fees Schedule.

Still need help?

If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, please schedule a free 15-minute appointment with a city planner or set up an Early Assistance meeting for a deeper discussion.

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