Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Land Use Review Fees and Land Use Review Types

Read about the different procedure types for land use review. Find out how long a land use review takes. Get information about each land use procedure type and land use review fees.
On this page

The length of time necessary for each land use review depends on the procedure type. It also depends on whether or not the initial application contains all the required materials and other factors. In general, a land use review will take from two to six months. Delays may occur when additional materials must be submitted, when a review is placed on hold to address various issues or when a review is appealed.

There are five types of land use reviews. The step-by-step processing requirements are found in the Zoning Code under Chapter 33.730 - Quasi-Judicial Procedures. The assignment of a particular procedure type (I, II, IIx, III or IV) is usually done in the chapter that establishes the review. Please contact Land Use Services for more information about the next steps for a land use review. 

Land use review applications and important forms 

The related webpages provide: 

  • applications 
  • important forms
  • information about specific land use reviews and procedures
  • land use review appeals filing instructions 
  • submittal requirements
  • timelines

Here are some quick links to forms:

Visit Land Use and Final Plat Applications for instructions on how to apply for a Land Use Review.

Type I procedure

This review procedure is required for some historic resource reviews that are small in scope or impact.

  • Early Assistance - Optional, read more in the related webpage 
  • Submittal & Completeness - Staff notifies applicant of any missing information or materials within 14 days of submittal
  • Public Notice - Upon receipt of a complete application, public notice is mailed to all property owners within 100 feet and to the recognized organizations in which the site is located. At least 14 days are allowed for public comment.
  • Decision - Made administratively by staff within 21 days after the application is determined to be complete.
  • Appeal - To the State Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA)

Type Ix procedure

This review procedure is required for environmental resource enhancement, the simplest design reviews and the simplest land division preliminary plan reviews.

  • Early Assistance - Optional, read more in the related webpage 
  • Submittal & Completeness - Staff notifies applicant of any missing information or materials within 21 days of submittal
  • Public Notice - Upon receipt of a complete application, public notice is mailed to all property owners within 100 feet and to the recognized organizations in which the site is located. At least 30 days are allowed for public comment.
  • Decision - Made administratively by staff within 45 days after the application is determined to be complete.
  • Appeal - To the State Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA)

Type II procedure

This review procedure is required for adjustments (similar to variances), most environmental reviews, some conditional uses and some design reviews.

  • Early Assistance - Optional, read more in the related webpage 
  • Submittal & Completeness - Staff notifies applicant of any missing information or materials within 14 days of submittal
  • Public Notice - Upon receipt of a complete application, public notice is mailed to all property owners within 150 feet and to the recognized organizations within 400 feet of the site. At least 21 days are allowed for public comment
  • Decision - Made administratively by staff within 28 days after the application is determined to be complete
  • Appeal - To local hearing bodies such as the Adjustment Committee or the Hearings Officer, depending on the land use review

Type IIx procedure

This review procedure is required for large land divisions or land divisions on sensitive lands or when 4 or more land use reviews are requested in one application.

  • Early Assistance - Optional, read more in the related webpage 
  • Submittal & Completeness - Staff notifies applicant of any missing information or materials within 21 days of submittal
  • Public Notice - Upon receipt of a complete application, public notice is mailed to all property owners within 150 feet and to the recognized organizations in which the site is located. At least 14 days are allowed for public comment
  • Decision - Made administratively by staff within 42 days after the application is determined to be complete
  • Appeal - To local hearing bodies such as the Adjustment Committee or the Hearings Officer, depending on the land use review

Type III procedure

 This review procedure is required for more complex reviews such as some land divisions, conditional uses, zoning map amendments and comprehensive plan map amendments, environmental violations and design reviews.

  • Pre-Application Conference - Required prior to submittal of the land use review, read more in the related webpage 
  • Submittal & Completeness - Staff notifies applicant of any missing information or materials within 21 days of submittal
  • Posting - The applicant must post the site at least 30 days before the hearing.
  • Public Notice - Upon receipt of a complete application, public notice is mailed to all property owners within 400 feet and to the recognized organizations within 1,000 feet of the site. The notice is mailed at least 20 days prior to the hearing.
  • Hearing - Occurs within 51 days after the application is determined to be complete. In cases of comprehensive plan map amendments and statewide planning goal exceptions, a second hearing is held before City Council.
  • Decision - Made by the review body following the public hearing
  • Appeal - To City Council. Appeal of a Type III decision made by the City Council is appealed to the State Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA).

Type IV procedure

This review procedure is required for demolition reviews.

  • Pre-Application Conference - Required prior to submittal of the land use review, read more in the related webpage 
  • Submittal & Completeness - Staff notifies applicant of any missing information or materials within 21 days of submittal
  • Posting - The applicant must post the site at least 30 days before the hearing
  • Public Notice - Upon receipt of a complete application, public notice is mailed to all property owners within 400 feet and to the recognized organizations within 1,000 feet of the site. The notice is mailed at least 20 days prior to the hearing.
  • Public Meeting - Held before the Historic Landmarks Commission
  • Hearing - Occurs before City Council within 71 days after the application is determined to be complete
  • Decision - Made by City Council following the public hearing
  • Appeal - To the State Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA)

Expedited land use reviews for qualified affordable housing projects

Land use review fees

A separate fee is charged for each type of land use review. The fee includes portions that are allocated to Portland Permitting & Development, Transportation, Water, Environmental Services, Fire, Parks and the Hearings Officer.

Still need help?

If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, please schedule a free 15-minute appointment with a city planner or set up an Early Assistance meeting for a deeper discussion.

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