Uploading Files in ProjectDox

These are general instructions on how to upload files into ProjectDox using the Files Tab. If you are the owner of a task, you can also upload files vie the Task eForm.

Please follow the File Naming Standards before uploading to ProjectDox.

Uploading Files

  1. On the ProjectDox home screen, select the Projects tab. Any project that you have access to will be displayed under the Projects
  2. By default, the projects are listed by Project number. Change the listing criteria using the following functions with any column displayed on the Projects grid:
    • Type in key words, like the name of the project, in the Contains... textbox.
    • Select the filter next to the Contains… textbox and choosing your filter preference.
    • Select the column name to sort by ascending or descending beginning letter.
  3. Select the specific project that corresponds to the plans you will be uploading.
    Select Project in ProjectDox by clicking hyperlink of project name
    Select project in ProjectDox by clicking hyperlink of project name
  4. Select the folder where you want to upload files. Please review the Preliminary Intake Checklist for a list of files required for each folder. For this example, select the Drawings folder.
  5. Select Upload Files. A new window will pop up.
    • Make sure pop-up blockers are disabled.
  6. Select Browser for Files.
    • Search your computer for the appropriate files. Multiple files can be selected for upload.
  7. Select Start Upload.
    Upload File, Browse for File, and Start Upload in ProjectDox
    How to Upload File, Browse for File, and Start Upload in ProjectDox
  8. Successful file uploads will contain the word NEW in the Status column to the right of the file name.

Files and File Folders

There are three available folders for each project: Drawings, Documents, and City Attachments. The lists below will explain the differences of what should be uploaded to each folder.


  • Drawings only
    • Landscape format
    • Uploaded individually 


  • Supplemental documentation
    • Portrait format
  • Examples: Calcs, SDC Form, Application, etc.

City Attachments

  • If a reviewer has a form they need signed by the applicant they will indicate that with a comment and upload the form to the City Attachments Folder. The applicant will download the form from City Attachments folder, sign the form and reupload it to the Documents folder.

Viewing Uploaded Files

  1. Select the File Information and History icon to view a thumbnail version of the file. The pop-up screen will also provide history of the file like file type, size, pages, sheet size, and version number. 
    File Information and History icon and display
    File Information and History icon and display
  2. Select the File Name to open the file in a new window in ProjectDox. Drawings will launch in the Brava Viewer where you can review markups left by reviewers.


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ePlans Team