Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
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  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Help Guide: Uploading Corrections in DevHub

Uploading corrections for permit projects is easier than ever using the integrated Checksheet system in DevHub. In the DevHub portal, click the Upload Corrections section to review Checksheets, upload corrections, and check on the status of your permit reviews.

Getting Started 

  1. Sign in to Development Hub PDX (devhub.portlandoregon.gov)
  2. Select Upload Corrections from the left-hand menu. The menu on the left also corresponds to the center menu. 
  3. Enter in your permits IVR Number or Permit (Application) Number. Anyone can search by IVR; it is not exclusive to the applicant of the permit. You can find this information in two places: 
    • By clicking My Permits & Requests on the left-hand menu. You will find a list of permits in Draft, Issued, and Requested. 
    • The Permit (Application) Number can be found on a Checksheet. Be sure to include all the zeros if adding the permit number. 
    • Application Number Example: 2000-001265-00-00-LU 
    • IVR Number Example: 606123 
  4. Select Search and wait for the Results. 
  5. Under Results, details of your permit will appear (Permit Number, IVR#, Status, Type, Work Description [first 150 characters of description of work on address], Address). Find your project’s permit and click Select in the right-hand column. 
  6. The Upload Corrections page will open, and the permit information will appear at the top of the page.  
  7. For customers with multiple projects, the information at the top of a page is a reminder of what project type and address you are on.  

Status for Upload Corrections 

In the middle of the page, you will find the reviews from each review group. All mandatory reviews for the permit will be displayed.  To upload corrections, all mandatory reviews must be in Approved, Checksheet, or Not Required status. When in Open status, more reviews need to be completed. 

  • Approved. Review groups that have approved that section of the permit. 
  • Checksheet. A checksheet has been created by the review group of items that need to be corrected. Click the blue hyperlink to open and review the Checksheet. 
  • Open. Reviews still need to be completed by the designated review group. 
  • Not Required. A review from this designated review group is not required. 

If no reviews are in one of these statuses, then the category name will not display on the page.

Status Information 

For each status, there are four columns. Information will only show in these columns when they are relevant and necessary for the project completion. 

  1. Type. This is the review group. 
  2. Staff contact. Information on the reviewer who is reviewing your project and their contact information if you need help. 
  3. Review Goal Date. Reviewers have a certain review window in which they can complete reviews for customers. This information can also be found on PortlandMaps: 
    • Go to Portlandmaps.com > Advanced > Permits > (your project’s IVR Number) > Current Review Goal Date column 
  4. Document. This is the review Checksheet. 

At the bottom of the page, there is a Status Notification in a yellow box. This is where information will display any actionable items, including when and how to upload corrections. If a Reviewer or Permit Technician has notes and comments about your project, their information will display in the Comments box. 

*Having trouble seeing a Document after speaking with a PP&D representative? Try clicking Upload Corrections from the left-hand menu and searching for your project’s IVR number again. Refreshing the page will not work; you will have to start a new search. 

A screenshot of the Upload Corrections Status page showing 4 statuses.
Example: Upload Corrections Status Page

Reviewing Checksheets 

From the Upload Corrections window, you will find Checksheets from different review groups. Open a Checksheet by clicking the Checksheet’s blue hyperlink under the Documents column. The Checksheet will open in a new tab. Review the notes and make changes to your plan set accordingly. This help page will ensure you complete corrections accurately. Incomplete corrections will be rejected and the review cycle will start again. Customers will not receive an email when a new Checksheet is available. You are responsible for checking DevHub regularly during the review cycle. 

Checksheet: How to Prepare and Submit Corrections to your Permit Application Electronically | Portland.gov 

*The Checksheet will have an Application Number in the top right corner. An Application Number is the same as a Permit Number. This is because the permit is a Permit Application until it is issued as a Permit. 

Upload Corrections in DevHub 

Customers will receive an email when they are able to upload corrections. It will go to the applicant email associated with the permit application. Emails will include information including the IVR # and directions on next steps to upload corrections. 

After you have reviewed available Checksheets, you can upload the corrected files. Begin on the Upload Corrections page and click the Upload Corrections button at the bottom of the page. A new page will open. 

Note that once you submit corrections, you will not be able to submit any materials until the submitted corrections have been reviewed by the respective review groups.

  1. Click the Add Documents button. 
  2. Search your computer to find the corrections documents. You can add multiple documents at one time. 
  3. Select the document(s) and then Open.  
  4. The documents will be added under the Attachment column. 
  5. Add a description of each document. This is required. Example: Structural Checksheet Response. 
  6. If needed, add comments under Additional Information.  
    • Comments are not Checksheet responses. Checksheet responses need to be in PDF format and uploaded. 
    • The comment box is limited to 200 characters. 
  7. Check the box under Acknowledgements. By checking this box, you acknowledge you are the authorized person to upload and submit these corrections. 
  8. Click Submit.   
A gif of how to add multiple documents during the upload corrections process in devhub.

Corrections Screening

Permitting Services will look over your uploaded corrections. 

  • Correction Upload Approved: If your uploaded corrections are complete, corrections will be processed and forward to the respective review groups.

  • Correction Upload Incomplete: If your uploaded corrections are incomplete, you will receive this status message: “The last uploaded corrections are incomplete. New corrections are required.” Read the comments from the reviewer or technician, make the appropriate corrections, and upload new corrections. 

  • If you try to upload corrections on a permit that has moved past the Upload Corrections process, you will receive a pop-up message that says “This permit is not in Under Review status, so corrections upload is not available. Please verify that you have searched on the correct permit number.” The permit is most likely in Approved to Issue, Issued, or Under Inspection status.

Request to Upload 

Please review the Current Review Goal Date listed on your permit in Portlandmaps.com and DevHub. If the review group has not completed their review, they will show in Open status on the Upload Corrections page. If the customer is ready to submit their corrections for the review groups that have submitted Checksheets (in Checksheet status), they will be able to Request to Upload. You can Request to Upload by clicking the button at the bottom of the page. If you click it, Permit Technicians will be notified of the request submitted. 

If you refresh the Upload Corrections page after making a request, there will be a status at the bottom of the page that reads: 

  • Awaiting decision to authorize corrections uploads. There are no actions needed at this time. 

Permit Technicians will consider your request and determine whether to grant or deny it.  

If the request is denied, then an email will be sent to the applicant's email on file with a comment about why it was denied. An example might be that the reviewer is waiting on information from another review group before allowing correction uploads. 

If the request is granted, you will: 

  1. Get an email from us confirming you can start uploading corrections for your project. The project’s IVR number will be included in the email, as well as any additional comments from technicians. 
  2. On DevHub, you will see a new status at the bottom of the Upload Corrections Page that reads: You are authorized to upload corrections as well as This Permit is open for Corrections Upload. 

Follow the steps in the above section, Upload Corrections in DevHub, to complete the process. 

Once submitted, the review groups will have a chance to look over the changes. The cycle continues until all Checksheets are in Approved status. 

When all reviews have been approved, the permit will be processed for pre-issuance. You may view the Pre-issuance list here.

Request to Upload Corrections in DevHub Upload Corrections portal.

Still need help? Schedule a 15-minute appointment

If you have questions after reviewing the information on this page, we recommend you book a free 15-minute appointment with us.

This is an optional step. We're here for you if you have questions about the information and materials you need to apply.


General Inquiries

Portland Permitting & Development
phone number503-823-7300Our front desk team will be available to answer Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please leave a message if you call outside of those hours.
Oregon Relay Service711Oregon Relay Service
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