Quick Guide: Apply for A Solar Permit in Development Hub PDX (DevHub)

This guide outlines steps to submit a Solar permit request and complete application details in Development Hub PDX (DevHub), the online permit system for the City of Portland. Please refer to the Oregon Structural Specialty Code section 3111 Solar Energy Systems for more details and requirements

Begin Your Solar Permit Request Using Development Hub PDX (DevHub)

A Development Hub PDX (DevHub) user account with PortlandOregon.Gov credentials is required to access DevHub's online permitting services. Need help creating an account or signing in? Please review the DevHub Sign In Quick Step Guide.

  1. After signing in, choose the Apply for a New Permit option from your DevHub Home page.
  2. Select Solar Permit Request.
  3. Review the Permitting Information page which outlines details on completing a permit request that requires Plan Review. When done, select Next.
  4. Select the property address where the permit work will take place by choosing either Search by Address or Search byProperty ID.
    1. You can find addresses and property IDs on PortlandMaps.
    2. If the property address still does not appear, enter "Not Listed" for the Address. You will be able to add job site details later.
  5. Review the Prepare the Submittal page to ensure you have all required documents for a successful submission then select Continue to the Application.

Application options

The Process Path Selection page introduces several button options you can use throughout the submission process (detailed below).

The Process Path screen has 4 key parts. Save my Work appears in the top left corner and is highlighted by an orange box and a large orange number 1.  Exit appears in the top right corner and is highlighted by an orange box and a large orange number 2. A Previous button appears in the lower left corner and is highlighted by an orange box and a large orange number 3. A Next button appears in the lower right corner and is highlighted by an orange box and a large orange number 4.
The Process Path screen has 4 navigation controls highlighted above.
  1. Save My Work: Saves your completed work to access later from My Permits& Requests.
  2. Exit: Exit the submission, discards unsaved completed work, and returns to your DevHub Home page.
  3. Previous: Return to the previous page.
  4. Next: Proceed to the next page.

Note: Make sure to use the Save My Work button before exiting. To sign out of DevHub, you must select Sign Out (located in the top right of the page).

Process Path Selection

You are required to select the Permit Process Path for your project.

Unsure which path to select? Start with the Prescriptive Path. The Prescriptive Path Eligibility will automatically indicate if your project requires the Engineered System Path instead.

The Process Path Selection screen includes two options highlighted here by an orange box.
The Process Path Selection screen also includes two options highlighted here by an orange box.

Prescriptive Path Eligibility

Note: Only required for the Prescriptive Path

Please use the Solar Worksheet for guidance on Prescriptive Path Eligibility questions and requirements.

Solar Permit Application

Note: Required for all solar permit applicants

The Solar Permit Application questions ask where the permit work will take place, who is involved, and other pertinent details to support you in completing minimal submittal requirements. All questions noted as (required) must be completed to submit your request.

Depending on the information you provide, follow up questions may automatically appear in the application. In this way, you only see the questions needed for your permit project.

Job Site Information

Provide Additional Job Site Information that describes where the work will take place on the property. If the property address is not listed, include it here along with where the permit work will be done at that address.

Applicant Information

Indicate if you are the applicant by selecting either “Yes” or “No”.

Contact Information

Provide contact information (Name, Phone and Email) for both the property owner and the technical lead in charge of the project.

Note: Please do not provide call center or generic business phone numbers for the technical lead. Providing a project-specific email and phone number could speed up the approval process if additional information is needed.

Contractor Information

Indicate who is doing the work for the permit project by clicking the dropdown menu to select “A contractor” or “The property owner”.

In the Contractor Information section, use the drop arrow highlighted by an orange box, to select Contractor or Property Owner.
In the Contractor Information section, use the drop arrow highlighted by an orange box, to select Contractor or Property Owner.

Based on your response, additional questions may appear to ensure requirements are met. For example, selecting "A contractor" will automatically display questions to provide the contractor's contact information.

Work Information

Select “Residential” or “Commercial” for Category of Construction. Next, enter a Description of the Work into the associated text box.

System Information

Select “PV Modules” or “Solar Water Heating Collectors” for System Type.

Fire Fighter Access and Escape

Please refer to page 2 of the Solar Worksheet for additional guidance on completing the Fire Fighter Access and Escape questions.

Documents and Plans

Upload a PDF of your plan set (file size cannot exceed 100MB) and any other required documents for your permit project.

  1. Click the Choose File button.
  2. Once you select the PDF file from your device, the PDF file title will display in the upload field.

Note: Engineered System Pathway projects may also require you to upload calculations to your Solar permit application request. Please review the details under Documents and Plans for more information.

For more details and plan set examples, please visit the Portland.gov webpage Required solar permit application documents and plans.

Acknowledge & Submit

For each statement, review and select the checkbox to indicate your acknowledgement, acceptance, and certification. To submit for review, click the Submit button.

You will automatically receive an email confirmation of your submission and may track the status of your permit request from the My Permits & Requests page.

For additional DevHub support, please call the DevHub help line (Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm) at 503-823-7300.