Emergency shelters and Winter City Services
  • The shelters are open from 8 p.m. until at least noon Thursday. More information: Multco.us/Cold. Check on your neighbors.
  • Find city services information: road closures, transportation updates, preventing frozen home plumbing, tree emergencies.
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Solar Permits

Apply for solar permits online using DevHub. Learn about solar permitting, application types, submittal requirements and fees to install solar panels and solar water heating systems in residential and commercial buildings.
Man installing solar panels on roof
On this Page

What property owners should know

Hire a solar contractor

A solar contractor will apply for permits and coordinate inspections.

Need help choosing one? Visit Choosing a Contractor on the Energy Trust of Oregon's website

What to expect during the application process

  • The contractor will need the property owner's phone number and email address. 
  • The contractor will need to look at the roof to determine the type of permit needed.
  • Applications are reviewed in the order in which they are received. Check your place in the Daily Permit Request List to find out more about the current order of permit requests. 

Track the status of your permit

After your contractor applies, there are various ways to track its progress. See Step 4: Check your permit status.

Step 1: Research rules that apply to a site

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Find out what rules apply to the property using PortlandMaps.

Special rules may apply if the property is located in a plan district, historic, or conservation district. Visit how to research the zoning that applies to your project.

Meet with City staff to answer your permit-related questions. Schedule a free 15-minute question appointment with a:

  • city planner
  • permit technician
  • building code and engineering reviewer
  • fire safety expert

Step 2: Determine which solar permit path to take

There are two different review processes for solar permits: the prescriptive process and the engineered systems process. To determine if a structure meets prescriptive standards, you will need to assess the roof construction and be prepared to answer a series of questions when you apply for your solar permit. You can preview and prepare for the application questions using the solar worksheet.

Solar installations utilizing solar roof tiles should follow the engineered systems process.

  • Solar energy systems that meet the prescriptive installation path described in the state building code are not requiredto be designed by an Oregon-registered design professional.
  • Solar energy systems not meeting the prescriptive path will follow the engineered systems process. Engineered systems must be designed by an Oregon-registered design professional. Solar installations utilizing solar roof tiles are not required to be designed by an Oregon Registered Design professional provided (1) the net installed weight of the system, including all components above the roof sheathing, is less than or equal to 4 psf., (2) solar tiles are installed directly over existing sheathing by removing all existing roofing material above the existing sheathing, and (3) all solar tiles (both active and inactive tiles) shall be uniformly supported over the existing sheathing.
  • Learn more about the engineered systems process in these Guidelines for Residential Solar Permits using Engineered Systems
  • Structural Design Requirements for Solar Installations apply only to projects following the engineered systems process. It does not apply to uniformly supported solar tile installations.
  • Please note that projects that follow the engineered systems process may have a longer permit review timeline.

Step 3: Apply for a solar permit 

Submit your complete solar permit request online through Development Hub PDX (DevHub).

All plans must be drawn to scale.

Not allowed:

  • No sketches
  • No Google Maps images
  • No photographs

All solar permit applications must include the following materials uploaded in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format:

  • The Structural Design Criteria. The structural design criteria shall be listed on the first page of the drawings which shall be stamped by a Registered Design Professional, registered in Oregon. At a minimum, the design criteria shall include:
    • Design sloped roof snow load (shall not be less than 20 psf),
    • Basic design wind speed (min. 98 mph) and exposure category, and
    • Solar panel system dead load.
  • For solar installations utilizing solar roof tiles that are not required to be designed by an Oregon registered design professional, clearly indicate that (1) the net installed weight of the system including all components above the roof sheathing is less than or equal to 4 psf., (2) solar tiles are installed directly over existing sheathing by removing all existing roofing material above the existing sheathing, and (3) a statement that the installation shall meet the requirements of section 1507.16 of the 2022 Oregon Structural Specialty Code or section 905.16 of the 2021 Oregon Residential Specialty Code.
  • Site Plan
  • Fire Access Path (Not required for solar tile installations)
  • A roof framing plan (Roof framing plan is not required if the roof is framed using pre-engineered trusses and for solar installations utilizing solar tiles. Instead, provide a roof plan showing the layout of the solar panels.)
  • A roof cross-section (Roof cross-section is not required if the roof is framed using pre-engineered trusses and for solar installations utilizing solar tile installations.)
  • System Racking Attachment (required for both Engineered and Prescriptive Pathways)
  • Engineering calculations stamped by an Oregon-registered design professional are required for all Engineered systems. Exception: Calculations are not required for solar installations utilizing solar roof tiles provided (1) the net installed weight of the system including all components above the roof sheathing is less than or equal to 4 psf., (2) solar tiles are installed directly over existing sheathing by removing all existing roofing material above the existing sheathing, and (3) all solar tiles (both active and inactive tiles) shall be uniformly supported over the existing sheathing. Instead, a letter certifying that the installation meets the requirements of section 1507.16 of the 2022 Oregon Structural Specialty Code or section 905.16 of the 2021 Oregon Residential Specialty Code may be uploaded along with the manufacturer’s installation requirements.
Solar hot water heating projects also need a plumbing permit application.
An email address and phone number for the property owner and the designer or technical lead on your project are required to be submitted with the permit application.
After you submit a permit request, we will contact you within one to two business days if we need additional information.

Your permit request will be assigned an IVR number during this request review process.
Lila shows how to submit a solar permit application on Development.

Step 4: Check your permit status

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Ver en Español.

City permit bureaus review project plans for compliance with local and state development codes. Depending on the project, different review groups check each project.

To learn how to track the status of your permit, visit Check Permit Status.

Step 5: Respond to corrections

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You may need to make corrections to the plans you submit. Visit the page, "How to Prepare and Submit Permit Application Corrections Electronically," to find out how to submit corrections correctly through the Single PDF Process. If minimal submittal requirements are not met, corrections will be rejected.

The Single PDF process is different than the ePlans process. For ePlans submittals through Project Dox, visit our ePlans information page.

Step 6: Pre-Issuance 

Pre-issuance is the last step before your permit is final. We will do the following:

  • We review plans to see what changes were made. We also make sure the changes do not require another review. 
  • If changes occur during the review process, the reviewers will be notified – this will show on PortlandMaps.com as "Hold see comments." 
  • Review that fees are accurate.

The final review and next steps

  • This review is completed in chronological order based on the sign-off date of the last technical review. 
  • Once your pre-issuance check is completed, we'll contact you. We'll let you know that the permit is ready to issue and about any fees due. 

You can find the contact information of the permit technician assigned to your permit on PortlandMaps.

Step 7: Inspections 

Click here for detailed information on how to schedule a solar permit inspection, what to prepare for the inspection, and what to expect. 

Once your permit is approved and construction is underway, you will need to call for an inspection. A City inspector will come to the project site and review the installation for compliance with state building codes. 

Learn more and watch the video about how to schedule and how to prepare for a solar inspection.

Step 8 (if required): Requesting a Permit Revision

Sometimes it is necessary to revise approved permit plans to address issues that arise during construction after a permit has been issued. Most changes to approved permit plans will require an application for a permit revision. If you are unsure whether a change requires a permit revision, speak with your City inspector for clarification.

Click here for detailed information on how to apply for a permit revision. After you have logged into your DevHub account, select “Apply for a New Permit” and then select “Building Permit Request.”  Although you are applying to revise a solar permit application, DO NOT select “Solar Permit Request.” Select “Building Permit Request” and follow the steps for How to apply for a permit revision on DevHub.

Solar permit fee estimates 

The fees listed in the table below are estimates. Final permit fees depend on the size and type of solar panel system as well as the review process (prescriptive process or engineered system). Fees for an electrical or plumbing permit depend on the system size or fixture count on a trade permit application.  

Prescriptive estimate

System TypeEstimated Building Permit FeesEstimated Electrical Permit Fees

3.5 kW

5.5 kW
Water Heating$576.00$143.00

Engineered Systems estimate   

System TypeEstimated Building Permit FeesEstimated Electrical Permit Fees

3.5 kW

5.5 kW
Water Heating$770.00$143.00

Small Business Empowerment Program

The Small Business Empowerment Program assists Black, Indigenous, and people of color business owners and business owners with disabilities recognized by the ADA who have experienced barriers in the review process. 

Working with utility companies

Oregon law allows all utility customers to generate their own electricity. You can also reduce electricity bills by installing a photovoltaic energy system. Your utility provider will switch out your existing utility meter for a bidirectional “net” meter. This tracks the power you get from the utility, and what you send back to the grid.

The power you use from your utility is offset by the power you send to the grid and you are only charged for the difference or the “net.” You may generate more power than you use in a billing period. Then your bill will show no kilowatt-hour usage charges, and you'll only be responsible for basic utility service charges. For more information visit Solar Net Metering – Energy Trust of Oregon.

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