River Community Advisory Committee

Public Meeting
The River Community Advisory Committee is comprised of six members who represent a variety of interests relating to floating structures. It assists with the development of procedures and administrative guidelines for implementing city code relating to floating structures.
10:30 am 11:30 am
Available Online

Connection Instructions

Meeting ID:871 4901 2828
Passcode: 767787


10:30 a.m.Welcome
10:35 a.m.Recap and vote to approve April 4, 2024, meeting minutes
10:40 a.m.

Discussoutreach methods.

  • Webpage vs. Brochure
  • Links from frequented webpages i.e., from Residential and Commercial permit pages.
  • What areas of Title 28 definitely need clarification for ease of use? Or do we start out with phone contacts to Jason and Maureen and build up an FAQ page based on real world questions?
  • What content should be on the Floating Structure Web Page?
11:15 a.m.

Discuss recruitment and positions up for appointment. 

11:25 a.m.Determine next meeting date and next steps
11:30 a.m.End meeting

If you do not have access to the internet from a home computer or mobile phone, we can provide accommodations for you to view a live video display of the hearing, including the ability to call in and provide testimony, from 1900 SW 4th Avenue in downtown Portland. This option for participation requires you to travel to a City building where we will provide a computer for viewing the hearing and a phone number for calling in to provide testimony. City staff will not be present at this viewing location. If you require such accommodation, please contact Dave Tebeau at 503-823-6242 by 10:30 a.m. the day before the meeting.