Homeowners and contractors who need re-inspections can now schedule them without setting up an account. A new video platform is featured for these inspections.
A smartphone with a good internet connection and the Microsoft Teams app is all that is needed to engage with an inspector, complete a re-inspection and receive instant results.
The Remote Video Re-Inspections (RVR) program launched in 2019 as a way for projects that did not pass an initial inspection to quickly receive a follow-up review without needing an in-person visit. This program is not for the first inspections of construction work. It is intended to review corrections to problems identified in an earlier inspection.
Examples of corrections addressed through the RVR program include:
Building |
Electrical |
Mechanical |
Plumbing |
Minor label inspections include:
State of Oregon |
City of Portland |
To take part in a video re-inspection, be sure to download the Microsoft Teams appto your smartphone before your RVR inspection so the app is set up and working properly at your scheduled time.
Development Services has made it easier to schedule video re-inspections using Microsoft Bookings as the scheduling platform. After scheduling a remote video re-inspection, you will receive an email message confirming the date and time of your appointment and instructions for connecting with your inspector over Microsoft Teams.