Use this Quick Start Guide to get started with ePlans ProjectDox.
- Work with your process manager to complete your permit application.
- Prepare files for submittal. Plans must comply with specific size and naming conventions to be accepted.
- Plans are not to exceed 36 X 48 E/O
- Each file must be one page only. Multiple drawing pages will not be accepted.
- File name guidelines must be followed. See detailed guidelines noted below in this document.
- Affix third-party verified digital signature or seal to the project submission for the plans that are required to be signed and sealed.
- Please do not password protect, encrypt or ‘secure’ your files, as this will prohibit the ability to upload the documents into our archival system.
- The top right corner of all drawings must be reserved for the City’s electronic stamp. Please leave the top right corner completely blank on all drawings (with exception of the border).
- Dimensions: 3” width x 3” height, offset 2” from the right, 1” from the top right.
- Invitation to Upload plans and documents the applicant will receive an email from
- Upload Plans/Documents.
- Select the appropriate destination folder when uploading plans and documents.
- Example: Plan files must be uploaded to the Plans Folder and document files to the Documents Folder.
- Quick Start to File Naming Standards:
- File names should reflect the file’s content.
- Limit the file name to 50 characters or fewer. Use abbreviations when necessary.
- Follow these rules when using special characters.
- Do use “.” (period), “&” (ampersand), and “ – “ (dashes).
- Do NOT include any special characters including “_” (underscores), %, #, “,” (commas), etc.
- Example: 001 A2.02 THIRD FLOOR PLAN
- File Naming Standards Quick Start Guide (PDF)
- File Naming Standards and Applicant Upload (YouTube)
- Select the appropriate destination folder when uploading plans and documents.
- Complete Upload Task.
- Select the Tasks tab.
- Select the Applicant Upload Task associated with your Project.
- Select the box confirming you have completed this task and are ready to submit.
- Select Upload Complete – Notify the City of Portland.
- View Project Status and Comments.
- View project status and review comments at any time by opening your project and selecting the Status tab and Reviews tab.
- Download reports.
- Reports provide information about different aspect of your project. The Workflow Routing Slip shows project status; the Department Review Status report shows department reviews for a specified workflow.
- Prepare and Upload Corrected Files through the Applicant Resubmit Task.
- Select the Tasks tab; select the Applicant resubmit Task associated with your Project.
- Proceed with uploading the corrected files. Please be sure to submit responses to all comments.
- Revised files need to have the exact same file name as the original upload. Do not change the name of revised files before upload; files will automatically version in ProjectDox. Successful versioning is confirmed with a “V” followed by a version number next to the newly uploaded file name.
- Module 5: Resubmit (YouTube)
- Complete the Applicant Resubmit Task.
- Once all corrected files are reuploaded, you are ready to formally submit to the City.
- Scroll down on the Applicant Resubmit Task eForm.
- Check off the boxes confirming you have completed this task and are ready to submit.
- Select "Complete to notify the City of your completion".
- Once the Applicant Resubmit Task is complete, City staff start the corrections plan review task for all reviewers. The review cycle continues until all the requirements are satisfied. You will receive an email from when the project is approved, and issuance fees need to be paid.