Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

ProjectDox resubmit guide

Once department review groups have reviewed your files, you will most likely receive corrections to make changes before final approval. Make corrections by (1) replying to review comments and (2) uploading corrected files.
On this page

Accept Applicant Resubmit Task

After logging into ProjectDox, the Applicant Resubmit task will display on the main page with your project number and description. Select Accept to take ownership of the task; select the task name to accept ownership of the task and launch the eForm.

Accept Applicant Resubmit Task on project task home page.
Accept Applicant Resubmit Task on project task home page.

Review and Respond to Markups (Changemarks)

The Applicant Resubmit Task eForm will guide you to the Review Comments List where reviewers and process managers from all departments will leave comments, markups, and inquiries for applicants and where applicants can respond.

Select Review Comments to launch the Review Comments List.

Select the Review Comments button on the task eForm.
Select the Review Comments button on the task eForm.

For all review cycles, upload the updated drawings and documents and make sure to address the comments in the Review Comments List. Comments cannot be resolved without an Applicant Response in the Review Comments List.

Responding to Markups

Markups have comments or notations placed on a specific area of a drawing to denote a needed change. These markups do not alter the plan sheet or drawing, they are just there to help guide you as you make your changes.

  1. Select the thumbnail of the drawing image or the drawing name hyperlink. Selecting the drawing name hyperlink will launch the image in the Brava viewer for easier viewing.  
Select thumbnail of the drawing markup.
Select thumbnail of the drawing markup.
  1. Markups are placed on drawings as clouds or bubbles. Different colored clouds are used for different review groups. Hover over the cloud to read the markup or view it from the list in the panel on the right.  
Example of a markup on a drawing.
Example of a markup on a drawing.
  1. Close the viewer.
  2. Respondto the markup on the Review Comments list in the yellow column on the far right.
    • Responses are automatically saved and automatically captures the authorsdataincludingdate and time stamp, user’s name, cycle number, and more.  
Respond to markups in the response box found on the right hand side of the Review Comments List.
Respond to markups in the response box found on the right hand side of the Review Comments List.
  1. Make changes on the original drawing and use the exact same file nameso that the files version correctly. Please watch our training video on File Naming Standards and Applicant Upload to learn more. You can also read more in this Quick Step Guide: File Naming Standards.
  2. Upload the corrected files from the task eForm.

File Naming Standards and Applicant Upload (Video)

Quick Step Guide: File Naming Standards (PDF)

Responding to Comments and Inquiries

Library comments, comments, and inquiries can be responded to directly on the Review Comments list.

  1. Sort comments by Newest First.  
Use the filters on the Review Comments List to sort comments Newest to Oldest.
Use the filters on the Review Comments List to sort comments Newest to Oldest.
  1. Read the comment left by the reviewer.
  2. Respond directly in the yellow column on the far right.
    • Responses are automatically saved and automatically captures the authors data (date and time stamp, user’s name, cycle number, etc.)  
Comment responses will display in the comment box. User data will display in the response grid.
Comment responses will display in the comment box. User data will display in the response grid.
  1. Close the Review Comments list and return to the eForm to complete the task.
    • Note: Corrections tasks cannot be resubmitted through the Review Comments list. After responses are complete, return back to the task eForm to submit the task back to the City.

Complete the File Upload and Resubmit to the City

Before resubmitting files, please follow the File Naming Standards to ensure version control.

Quick Step Guide: File Naming Standards (PDF)

ProjectDox has built in version control to ensure files are updated correctly. Please follow the task instructions to make sure all files are uploaded correctly and can proceed through the review cycle.

  1. Select the Applicant Resubmit Task name to launch the task eForm.
  2. For step two, choose the tab for the type of file you are uploading: Versioned Files or New Files.  
On the task eForm, select the type of files being uploaded: Versioned Files or New Files.
On the task eForm, select the type of files being uploaded: Versioned Files or New Files.

Versioned Files

  1. For versioned files, you are asked if your updated files are named exactly the same as prior versions. Select Yes to upload files using the same directions as before.  
Versioned files should have the exact name as the original upload. If the naming standards are correct, select Yes and upload the versioned files.
Versioned files should have the exact name as the original upload. If the naming standards are correct, select Yes and upload the versioned files.
  1. Select Noif you need assistance with uploading your files. SelectLearn Howfor detailed instructions on versioning your files correctly in ProjectDox. 
Versioned files should have the exact name as the original upload. If the naming standards are not correct, select Learn How and watch a video on how to properly name versioned files.
Versioned files should have the exact name as the original upload. If the naming standards are not correct, select Learn How and watch a video on how to properly name versioned files.

New Files

  1. Select New File to upload new files.  
Select new files on the task eForm.
Select new files on the task eForm.
  1. Follow the file upload instructions as written previously.

Complete the Applicant Resubmit Checklist Form

After you have responded to all comments in the Review Comments List and all new and versioned files are uploaded, you are ready to complete the Applicant Resubmit Task. This is the last task in a review cycle.

Applicants with more than 30 drawings need to complete the Applicant Resubmit Checklist form for every resubmittal. An incomplete form could delay review of your submittal. You must check off an answer box to each Yes/No question. When answering Yes, add detailed information about what you did and why. Answer in full. When saving, please upload it as a PDF to the Documents folder in ProjectDox using the filename convention is Resubmit Checklist YYYY-MM-DD.

  1. Open the Applicant Resubmit Task.
  2. Open the folders to confirm new files and versioned files have been uploaded.  
Confirm new versions of files have been uploaded. New versions are indicated by a NEW symbol and a V plus version number next to the file name.
Confirm new versions of files have been uploaded. New versions are indicated by a NEW symbol and a V plus version number next to the file name.
  1. Selectthe boxes to confirm you have competed the task and are ready to submit.
  2. Select Complete.  
Check the confirmation boxes on the eForm task. Select Complete to send the eForm back to the City.
Check the confirmation boxes on the eForm task. Select Complete to send the eForm back to the City.

Approval Process

When the plan review is approved by all reviewers, you will be notified via email the plan set is approved and completed. These files will then need to be printed and in place at the job site.

Selectthe Filestab and then the Approved folder. Select the checkbox to the left of the file name and then click the download button to save the approved plans to your computer.

Access the files tab, select the Approved folder, select the box to the left of the approved plans, and select the download icons to download, print, and keep plans on site.
Access the files tab, select the Approved folder, select the box to the left of the approved plans, and select the download icons to download, print, and keep plans on site.
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