Emergency shelters open overnight

The shelters are open from 8 p.m. until at least noon Wednesday. More information is at Multnomah County's Care for When It's Cold website: Multco.us/Cold. Check on your neighbors. Find city services information.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

PortlandMaps Help Guide: General Search Permit Information

Learn how to search by address and find data in the Permits & Zoning area of PortlandMaps (Portland Maps). Review activity on a permit or case. View documents associated with permits. Find active and historical building/trade permit or land use review and enforcement case information.


General Search

Enter the street address in the top-right search bar and press press enter on your keyboard.

Tips: If the search is unsuccessful, try entering the address with just the building number and street (omitting Rd, St, or Ave, etc). If the exact address is not known, PortlandMaps can be searched by intersection (eg: SW Harrison & SW 4th) to narrow the search area. Click on the correct property on the map. For condominiums, look for the Related Accounts bar at the bottom of the property summary to select the condominium number.

A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com with a red box highlighting the search back to Enter an Address...
A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com with a red box highlighting the search back to Enter an Address...

Permits & Zoning


A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com after typing in an Address. A red box highlighting the Permits drop down menu and the clickable Permits button.
A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com after typing in an Address. A red box highlighting the Permits drop down menu and the clickable Permits button.

When the summary of the property displays, select the Permits & Zoning section to open a sub-menu for more information. 

A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com after typing in an Address. A red box highlighting the pop out button to expand the view of listed Permits for an address.
A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com after typing in an address. A red box highlighting the pop out button to expand the view of listed Permits for an address.

Select the Permits button to see the active and historical building permit, trade permit, land use review, and enforcement case information from 2000 to the present. To bookmark, print, or share the information, select the related icons at the top-right of the page. Information will be truncated if there is more information than can be displayed in the window.

Select the Pop Out button to display the information across the screen. The Application Number begins with the year the application was submitted. The last two letters identify the type of permit/case.


  • RS = residential building permit
  • CO = commercial building permit
  • ET = electrical trade
  • PT = plumbing trade
  • MT = mechanical trade
  • LU = land use case

Each Application Number is a clickable link that additional detailed information, including but not limited to Work/Case Description and Status. After selecting Application Number, select Activity to see each step of the review and inspection process. Contact information for the staff assigned is also listed, with a clickable link to send them an email referencing the permit. The 3-digit code for required inspections are also listed.

A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com after typing in an address. A red box highlighting the Activity title of the pop out box. Two more red boxes highlighting and example of a 3 digit inspection code as well as the Staff Contact column.
A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com after typing in an address. A red box highlighting the Activity title of the pop out box. Two more red boxes highlighting and example of a 3 digit inspection code as well as the Staff Contact column.

If the permit was submitted with plans from 2012 to present, the plans should be available under the Documents bar. Select the ID to view the documents. A free City of Portland account is required to view the documents, and a prompt to sign in or create an account will appear. If available, Historic Plumbing records document plumbing work and/or the initial sewer connection, and may include original cesspool and/or replacement cesspool information. Underground Storage Tanks contain information regarding the installation and/or repair of underground tanks on the property and nearby, if the property was in the historical Portland city limits.


two red boxes are highlighting

Select the Zoning & Districts button to see more detailed zoning information, including base zoning, overlays, Comprehensive Plan, and the quarter section Zoning Map. Additional information available includes Historic Resource, Urban Renewal Area, Business Districts and Development Areas, and Land Use Review Case reference names.

Select the Capital Improvement Projects button to see Capital Improvement Projects, Public Works Projects, and Pavement Moratorium within a half mile radius.


In the Property section of the menu, there is only a description of the property's Base Zone. Select the hyperlink for Zoning to see more zones of the property.

Screenshot of PortlandMaps property section with a red box highlighting the Zoning overlay hyperlink.
Screenshot of PortlandMaps property section with a red box highlighting the Zoning overlay hyperlink.

An overlay of the property and surrounding map will be displayed. 

  • Base Zone: select the corresponding description to read more about different Base Zones.
  • Overlay: select the corresponding description to read more about different Overlay Zones.
  • View Detailed Zoning Map: select this link to read a more detailed description of the property zone. 
A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com Zoning section with a red box highlighting the rows Base and Overlay as well as the descriptions of each. Another red box lighting the hyperlink to View Detailed Zoning Map.
A screenshot of PortlandMaps.com Zoning section with a red box highlighting the rows Base and Overlay as well as the descriptions of each. Another red box lighting the hyperlink to View Detailed Zoning Map.


Below is a brief summary of other information available on PortlandMaps:

  • Assessor: Lists property value and taxes. Select Assessor Detail for more information including Property ID (R Number), Use, Owner Information, Tax information, and Tax Maps. Accessor’s summary information may not match the City’s building permit records. To check building permit records, please visit our help guide How to Request Public Records, and read the section How to Request Building Permit Records Not Available Online.
    • Please note: Non-permitted items will be assessed by the county, but City of Portland will acknowledge permitted items only. Check with PP&D to verify the accuracy of information if you notice a discrepancy. 
  • Parks: Clickable list of nearby parks.
  • Schools: Information on assigned public and other nearby schools.
  • Public Safety: Crime Statistics, Police Jurisdiction and Nearest Station, Nearest Fire Station and Fire Management Area, Hazard Areas, and Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node.
  • Transportation: General Information about Traffic, Safety, and Public Transit.
  • Utilities: Contact Information for Garbage & Recycling, Sewer & Environmental Assets (including maps of sewer assets within 350 feet, watershed and stormwater management information).


General Inquiries

Portland Permitting & Development
phone number503-823-7300Our front desk team will be available to answer Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please leave a message if you call outside of those hours.
Oregon Relay Service711Oregon Relay Service
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