Election results

Follow along as Multnomah County shares election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

PortlandMaps and GIS help guides

Person's hands and arms resting on a laptop with an image of Portland Maps
Learn how to use PortlandMaps and Geographic Information System (GIS). Search for land use cases and permits using these help guides. Download data about land use cases, permits, and more. Find tips for how to run permit searches.
On this page

Get information about private property, land use reviews, permits and enforcement cases administered. And, get helpful user guides for how to use PortlandMaps. Request complete property records online.

PortlandMaps and permit and case search options

Use the PortlandMaps Advanced to find:

Other maps and surveys: Multnomah County SAIL

Get survey information and tax assessor’s maps in Multnomah County. Search by address, tax lot number, plat name, survey number, and more.

PortlandMaps Help Guides 

Get step-by-step instructions for PortlandMaps permits and land use case search tools: