News and notices
Displaying 1 - 10 of 112 related news.
Schedule more inspections and get results faster on DevHub
It's easier than ever to schedule an inspection and view results.
News article
Customers share candid assessments of permitting system
The third customer survey in four years highlights areas of satisfaction and needs for continued improvement.
News article
Deadline extended: Passionate about Portland's historic and architectural heritage? Join the Historic Landmarks Commission.
The City of Portland seeks an interested person to serve a four-year term on the Historic Landmarks Commission. Persons of color are encouraged to apply. Applications are due no later than Monday, Dec. 2.
Updated News article
No administrative appeals to be considered during weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's 2024-2025
This affects building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing code appeals.
Updated News article
Are you interested in guiding the City of Portland’s permitting processes? Join the Development Review Advisory Committee.
The City of Portland is seeking interested persons to serve in one of four positions, each for a three-year term, on the Development Review Advisory Committee. Persons of color are encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted through Friday, Jan. 10.
News article
Notice of Proposed Amendments to Accessory Short-Term Rental (ASTR) Enforcement Administrative Rule
The purpose of this rule is to establish a citation-based enforcement process for violations of Portland City Code (PCC) 33.207. This rule applies to any property owner engaged in offering or allowing Type A or Type B accessory short-term rentals as defined in PCC 33.207.
Updated Public notice
Second set of changes to Portland’s floodplain development went into effect Oct. 1
Learn more about these updates to comply with federal requirements.
Updated News article
Portland Permitting & Development fees for 2024-25
Learn more about the approved fee changes.
Updated News article
Extra erosion control measures are required starting in October
The rainy season is coming. For seven months, greater care must be taken to ensure dirt and sediments don’t leave construction sites that involve ground-disturbing activity.
News article
New rules take effect Oct. 1 to improve short-term rentals
These updates better enable the City of Portland to act against short-term rental hosts who violate the City’s rules. They also make the application and reporting processes easier for hosts.
News article
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