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City Council to hold public hearing on Portland’s design review process on May 12

News Article
Public is invited to testify on the Design Overlay Zone Amendments (DOZA) proposals virtually via Zoom and online via the Map App.

The Design Overlay Zone Amendments (DOZA) project is headed to City Council for a public hearing on May 12 at 2 p.m. Commissioners will hear public testimony on the proposals that are jointly recommended by the Planning and Sustainability Commission and the Design Commission.

The DOZA proposals were developed in collaboration with planning staff, architects, designers, developers, community members and others. The result is a revised design overlay zone that focuses on people, reduces cost, uses a racial justice lens, and provides clearer standards for new development in higher density zones.

View the package of amendments.

How to testify

You can testify on the Recommended Draft in writing via the Map App and virtually at the hearing. You must register in advance to testify at the hearing. Deadline for written testimony is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 12.

If you have questions or would like more information about the proposals, please contact Phil Nameny.


Phil Nameny

Senior Planner, Planning and Sustainability
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