City of Portland Source Control Manual 2020

Plans Examiner Newsletter

The SCM enables the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) to comply with regulatory requirements and protect the environment and City assets. The SCM applies to new development and re-development projects and site activities or conditions that are in violation of city code or administrative rules. The SCM describes requirements for construction and post-construction activities for most commercial and industrial site activities with the potential to impact the environment or City storm and sanitary systems.

The goals of the SCM revisions were to improve upon ease of use and clarify and update requirements. Revisions to improve ease of use include text reorganization, streamlining forms and the creation of figures to demonstrate requirements. Revisions to SCM requirements include protections for the sanitary sewer, requirement to record an Operations and Maintenance Plan for treatment measures, added food cart pod requirements, revisions to reflect new administrative rules and procedures, and added monitoring requirements for soil and groundwater sampling for contaminated sites to clarify requirements for these sites during development and redevelopment.

BES will be inviting the public to review and comment. BES is planning a review period in Spring 2020. During that time, materials will be available online for review. Please visit the Featured Content section on the BES Homepage to find updates: