Improvements to 82nd Avenue, related zoning changes and transportation proposals available for public review and testimony. Community members invited to testify at public hearing on March 12 or send their comments in writing.
Apply to be a member of the Planning and Sustainability Commission. Portland Planning and Sustainability Commission is looking to fill vacancies this Spring.
Improvements to neighborhood notification about new development on their way to City Council. Read and comment on the Neighborhood Contact Code Update Recommended Draft; testify in person on March 6 at 2 p.m.
Revised draft of the Residential Infill Project ready for review. Project staff to brief the Planning and Sustainability Commission on Revised Proposed Draft on February 12; vote to recommend to City Council in March.
Proposed historic resource code amendments released for public review. Discussion draft of code amendments addresses the inventory, designation and protection of historic resources; public invited to give feedback on proposals by April 1.